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Part 1 of Trip a HUGE success


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We are getting ready to head out for the final leg of the trip. He was awesome on the trip. I had the music on low and was singing (Which I apologized for several times) and he just sat on his perch most of the time making little noises. He managed to pull the newspaper through the grate so I had to stop and fix it but he kept doing it so I just took the paper out. They made me promise not to take him out of the carrier at the hotel but he's not talking yet and I'm not telling. lol He ate like a champ. I made the hand feeding formula a little thicker, kind of like oatmeal and fed him with a spoon which he tried to steal several times. He did get a good bite in but it was my fault because he was sitting on the perch on top of the carrier and I had my back turned and I heard this gust of wind and turned quick to catch him but he didn't feel secure and grabbed on to steady himself. YOW! lol I didn't react but I have a nice black/blue mark. He is sooo sweet. He already has me wrapped around his little wing. He goes to the Vet on Tuesday. We'll be home in about 5 hours and I can't wait to show him his cage and toys.

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Well, he seems right at home in his new cage. I gave him some more hand feeding formula and now he is in his food bowl and hasn't left it for about 10 minutes. We are a tired bunch but so happy to have him home. Time for a little cuddle time then it's bedtime for the baby and Mommy too. Thank You everyone. I will post pictures soon. We are between two names and neither of us will give in so it's either Phoenix (Me) or Zeus (Hubby). I think I might win. lol

Edited by M'sBabies
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He is a little monkey. This morning when I took the cover off the cage he was all the way at the top on his boing. It made me nervous. We put a couple of perches low and kind of made a ladder so it would make it easier for him but nope he loves that boing. He eats soo well. I gave him more of the hand feeding food and this time I put a little bit of organic sweet potato baby food in it and he loved it. I make it almost like an oatmeal and feed him with a spoon which he is constantly trying to steal. He is also eating Zupreem Natural and I will slowly switch him to Harrisons. He is just over 3 months old and I was wondering if it was too early to start him on whole vegetables. I have some sweet potato's, broccoli and brown rice and have to go shopping tomorrow so I will get more. He is such a sweetheart and I am thrilled with how well he has adjusted so far.

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So glad to hear you are home and partially rested. Decisions decisions on the naming rights. If you live with him a week or two and see what name fits him best, that might solve the dilemma. Or write both names on a slip of paper. Put them down and whichever one he picks up first, he chooses his own name. If that doesn't work.... then whoever has naming rights is agreeing to clean up his droppings for ever after. LOL. Welcome to the forum Phoenix. LOL. Just kidding there.

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