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Neytiri update 2


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Vet says she's doing fantastic. Her skin is all healed up. She has tons of pin feathers both regular feathers and down feathers coming in. He wants her to stay in the cone for another two weeks so more feathers come in and they come out a little farther. He also wants me to give her frequent baths and spray her with a special spray. So two weeks and then a recheck.

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Sorry to hear she is still in the cone as I know you were looking forward to having that removed earlier but your vet knows best, thats great that new feathers are coming in and her skin has healed from her ordeal, soon she will be as if it had never happened, thanks for the update on Neytiri.

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I'm sure you and Neytiri would like to be rid of that cone. I guess if a couple more weeks will get her past the discomfort of new feathers coming in it will give her a much greater chance of leaving the feather destruction started by that preening gland far behind her. I was in a body cast once for about six months and even though I couldn't wait to get it off, it was a bare and vulnerable first few days. Strangely enough Neytiri may miss her cone a bit when it comes off. You have really come through for her during this stressful time, you will be all smiles when she is totally back to normal. Thanks for the update.

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Whoa, that thing is formidable. I was wondering how they would make something she could not get off. She seems to not mind it terribly and is eating but bless her little heart she can't reach her napkin up to wipe her beak. I know she is going to be so happy and free when the time comes when she is past the stage that she would focus on the pin feathers. She will be so busy getting into all her toys that she can reach better she will leave this whole preening gland problem far in her distant memory.

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oh what a sweet little baby...she looks awesome with this cone, like an astronaut or something. Hope she heals very quickly so she can go back to enjoy preening. Thanks for sharing the Photo and BTW how do you get to post a photo in big size? Do you use a photobucket URL?

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Yes used photobucket img URL.


Sheis getting used to it on as she's trying to fly. Nothing more than a couple feet. And she has learned how to climb around with it. The neatest is to watch her figure out how to preen some areas that she can reach. She tucks the cone under her wing to get her flight feathers, legs, and tail.

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Where there is a will, there's a way. It would be fascinating to watch her figure out how to rise above the restrictions on her and do what she would normally do with preening and getting around. It amazes me the spirit with which our parrots just see what they want and go after it without considering "limitations".

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