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What to do with that computer down time


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I would like to take this chance to share this with you all because I think you might be interested and it really does help the more people who pitch in.


Berkeley has a program called BOINC that allows you to use your computer downtime to help with different projects of your choice, I have personally run this program for two years and can vouch for it's legitimacy and safe use on your computer.


Homepage with program download link

List of projects you can contribute to through BOINC


I personally participate in

SETI@home (Search for Extra-terrestrial intellegence)

Rosetta@home (Protein folding "medical research)

LHC@home (Large Hadron Collider "physics research" at CERN)


It runs in the taskbar and uses only the computer power your not currently using for other programs. It's a good way to know that when your computer is sitting there doing "nothing" it can really do something!

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Concerning SETI---does Art Bell, George Noory or Professor Stanton supply any information or opinions? Art and George are well known radio personalities with their own shows who have dealt with extra-terrestrial subjects such as remote viewing, time travel, alien abductions, famous alien space ship sightings, space ship exceleration, black holes, the after life, crop circles, individual sightings of alien beings.

Dr Stanton has been involved in all of the well known UFO subjects since the first sightings occured at Roswell, New Mexico. Alien beings who have died in spaceships when visiting Earth and pieces of crashed spaceships are supposedly stored at Roswell although out government has kept everything under lock and key since the 50s. The alien beings are known as *grays*. Interesting subjects. I'm a big fan and an avid believer.<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/10/21 22:16

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Lol no SETI is primarily focused on the analysis of deep space radio waves looking for anomalies that wouldn't occur naturally. Most of the transmissions that are recorded are from the Aericibo observatory in Puerto Rico or the Very Large Array (VLA) in new mexico. The movie "Contact" with Jodi Foster is a good description of SETI work. (although unlike in the movie you wouldn't really be able to listen to the transmissions as the telescopes really record multiple frequencies at once not just one)

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