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my little baby has a very big voice


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So Escher is now a year old. He still loves to snuggle with me for a couple of minutes every night before going to bed. He started laughing about 2 weeks ago and it is adorable. He chatters in his language and then laughs. Of course it makes us laugh so he laughs more. He was talking and saying all kinds of new words every day until about a week ago now all he wants to say is "what". He has also learned to say no if he doesn't want to do something, like step-up, instead of biting. Ohhh and he gives kisses whenever I ask now. He did it every once in a while before, now it's every time I ask.

Unfortunately about the time he started laughing he also learned the African Grey scream. If one of us leaves the room he screams, it doesn't matter that the other person is there, he screams. He screams on his play stand, he really screams when I'm washing dishes, he even screams when I'm holding him. The other day he was on me and my husband got home from work and Escher started screaming, he went on for a good 5 minutes even though hubby was talking to him. Sometimes he will even scream while getting scritches.

We have tried ignoring him, walking out of the room, treats when he calms down or makes a sound or says a word to encourage that behavior. We've tried talking to him when we are in other rooms so he knows we didn't leave. Nothing seems to be working.

Don't get me wrong it's not a constant screaming usually it's just one or two screams about every 1/2 hour or so, but sometimes he goes on for as long as 10 minutes, like when I was washing the dishes. I still adore him because when he's not screaming he is the most lovable bird ever. He will even scream and then laugh like it is the funniest thing in the world. He understands no and sometimes it works just to tell him no when he starts but not all the time.

He's my baby and I wouldn't give him up for the world, but I sure hope he outgrows the screaming fits. I once had a dog very much like Marley from Marley and me and I kept him until he was 9 and we moved and couldn't take him with us, we used to say Harley was the reincarnation of Marley just a different color. So we can handle pet problems but my ears would love a rest.:)

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Just remember, to him it is not different than learning a word. You are pleased when he learns a word and repeats it again and again. SO, why are you not pleased when he learned to scream and repeats that again and again? LOL Only having gone through it once, I just ignored it completely. Never once said anything or gave any treats or reacted at all. Peanut still screams once in a while, but not often.

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Babies do need to learn their voice, BUT....if it becomes a behavior problem, rather than just excitement, I would return bird to cage, say no, pick up again in ten minutes. I don't think this is the case. Escher is a baby, and is excited to see mom and dad. Distraction may work. A chew toy or something interesting to show baby.Kiki our Amazon, desires to scream her lungs out between 3-4 pm. Just around ten minutes. We don't stop her. Thats what Amazon's do.Kiki will scream when I am on the phone and ignoring her. This is behavioral! I will tell her NO scream, or shhhh or hush!!! Once she responds positively, when I get off the phone, I thank her and shower her with attention. Nancy

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