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Sid (Argyle) is 6 today!

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Well as far as I'm aware he is 6 lol. Yes it's the evil one's hatchday today, not that it made him any friendlier, he screeched and squawked all the time the pastor was here this afternoon (I'm so glad he doesn't swear!!!) even though I covered his cage lol. I've been that busy I haven't had time to do anything for him today so I'm gonna make Sunday "his" day, he can have 2 birthdays like the queen, the real one and an official one rofl


Anyway Happy Hatchday Argyle!

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Happy Hatchday Sid, I mean Argyle, its hard to believe you are six but if Mummy says so then I believe her, of course you can have 2 birthdays, whats good for the queen is good enough for you too, I know you will be treated special on your special day.

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