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Sooo pissed

majd seffarini

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I have spent two years saving up to buy an african grey and know after all the hard work after i have enough money the, breader i trust the most tells me there's a virus spreading and all of the parrots are either sick or probably are but it still isn't showing on them :(:(:( now i have to wait for god knows how long until I get one that's garenteed to be healthy..... I'm just sooo tired of waiting and sooo pissed off right now :(

Edited by majd seffarini
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You have every right to feel disappointed and cheated out of the grey baby experience right now. You had hopes and dreams that have been building right along with your nest egg. This isn't the end for you, just a temporary set back. It is commendable that your breeder is so honest to tell you this. I am speaking from experience, I did the same waiting, planning, dreaming and my baby died in seven weeks. If that wasn't heartbreaking enough, I took his brother and he died some months later as well. We were getting up towards 7 to 10 thousand dollars in vet bills, cages and toys. I had to throw everything away because I wouldn't take a chance of harboring an invisible threat. I was afraid I could never bring a parrot into my home because we definitely have necropsy results showing the illness was in our home. I am old enough that I will never get a baby because now I have learned how devastating it is to a bonded friend to outlive the original companion. Your breeder may be able to help you find someone in breeding community with a baby if they can not provide one for you. Keep looking for your dream, you can make it happen and it will be a sweet reward to contrast with the patience and planning you have already shown.

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That is certainly disappointing I am sure. Greywings is right, it's much better that the breeder is being honest and saving you that $$$$ and loss of a loved baby grey that died way too early in life. I hope your search for another available grey is short and fruitful. :)

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So sorry about the disappointment. But, you see now why you trusted this breeder. I am sorry to say, most would just hide the sick birds and sell you a baby anyways. It is hard right now, but in the end hopefully you will be able to see the better outcome. Hamg in there - it will be worth it!!

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Thank you, you are kind. Our loss doesn't for a second diminish your disappointment, you have been carefully planning and preparing to bring home a dream and it has been crushed. It is an illustration that having your breeder hold off to be sure the chicks are healthy is commendable and sure to be in your best interest. It has been three and a half years and our loss is still breathtaking. I would not have believed it back then, but it as time goes on, our focus to move forward to take a tough case who wasn't going to find a loving home has been our tribute to the babies we loved and lost. It is a different way of being that it would have been with a baby that didn't have a history of broken trust with humans. But at the same time it is incredibly rewarding to watch him meet milestones that I didn't expect for him. Your time will come and the setback and wait will heighten the depths of your joy when you bring home the baby grey you are prepared to adopt.

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I know you are upset.... but in the long run, it is AMAZING that you have a breeder that is so honest with you. I hope they are local, as mine is, because he has been there to help me with many decisions on my birds behalf. More helpful than even my avian specialist. Having a beeder that you can trust.... can help you for many years! Establishing the patience you are going to need for ever, from now on, is your first lesson! Welcome to parenting 101 of an African Grey! Nancy

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