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The Slowly disappearing home furnishings...


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We are moving this Saturday. So I and my wife have been very busy boxing stuff up, taking down things from walls and moving all the boxes and smaller items in preparation for the big move. It's interesting watching Dayo look around every room and inspect places things used to be that are now vacant spots. They are so "Attention to detail" oriented down to a few millimeters it is a perfectionist in the extreme.


We did take him over to the new home this last weekend as we did things, put up new curtains etc. as he watched from the Pak-O-Bird and held his Talon high indicating he wanted a step up to get out and be with us. However, we did not feel comfortable doing that just yet due to having skylight windows we did not want an accidental high speed crash if he became spooked by something. Tons of work and time consuming. I can't wait to just be fully moved this weekend! Well ...... then EVERYTHING must be unpacked and put up, but I'll stress over that AFTER the move! :P

Edited by danmcq
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I hope the move goes smoothly and Jake and Dayo take it all in stride, makes you wonder what is going thru their mind when they see things boxed up and the furniture disappearing from the rooms but when they get to the new home they will see it all again.

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LOL Ray, I am hoping that's how he reacts. Fingers and Talons crossed. The good news, is Jake the Conure doesn't care where he is or whats around him. My little lion hearted larger than life buddy makes a grey look like such a frightened little child afraid of their own shadow person. :)


Of all days, Saturday is jumping to 107 degrees. I hope to be done with the heavy stuff before noon.

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Thanks Janet. I am hoping and praying for the best in regards Dayo's response. I hope he doesn't come out with any colorful words he may hear me saying during this process. I am gong to try and stay as composed as possible during this to set the proper Parrontal example. :P

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Hey Dan, let me give you some advice. I moved with Talon several years ago. Treat Dayo as you would a small child. I included Talon in everything I could, she really enjoyed watching and being a part of everything. I talked to her and explained what I was doing, humming, making it feel relaxed. When the day came and we went into the new house, she was in her travel cage which I put on a table near us, she watched her cage being moved into the house, and me setting it up as I talked to her, I carried her travel cage over to her cage and asked her if she wanted to go in, she seemed happy about that so i put her in her cage. I kept it near where she could see all the activity as we moved. Once the dust settled and we were at a point of relaxing for the day, I took her out and showed her one room at a time, not to overwhelm her. She didn't see the upstairs till the next day.


The first thing she did is to look for HER things around the house, her perches, tree stand, etc. (I made sure to put her things up and in place as soon as I could) even before our stuff...as soon as she saw her things, she relaxed and flew to them to claim them. It was the most touching moment to see her look and recognize her things and fly to them with a look that I found indescribable, but so touching......watch for that, it is priceless. She did very well, didn't seem to care where she was as along as we were in this new home. She seemed comforted by the fact that we were here and all was right with her.


I have 2 skylights in my kitchen which was new for her. She looks up at them and watches things too far for us humans to watch, but neither her,Rikki or Nilah ever tried to fly up to them. They will look up at the sky, but that's it. Just 2 months ago, I put a tension rod shower rod on one of them with a twisted rope perch to climb up to it. Nilah LOVES climbing up and perching on it and watching, but my other 2 don't want anything to do with it. Too much for them. NEVER have any of them ever tried to fly even to the perch for some reason I don't know about.


I am sure all will go well with the move and Dayo. He is so well adjusted, it will be an exciting fun time for him and you. Just stay relaxed, all will fall into place a little at a time. Best of luck to you both and let us know how it goes, can't wait to hear!

Edited by Talon
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Best of luck Dan. I am sure every thing will come together. I bet you have been explaining everything to Dayo so he will understand the big changes happening around him. I hope you find his right spot for him without to much trial and error.:)


Steve n Misty

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Hey Dan, I forgot to dd, it didn't seem to matter to Talon where I put her cage as long as she could watch us moving stuff in and out of the house, ihad it by the window near the door, so she could watxh us go in andout, but I did move it to its permanent spot once we were a bit settled in a day or splatter.

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Great comments and thoughts Penny. I also wish to thank everyone for their comments as well. I know it will go well and just be happy when the dust is settled and we're all back to being a normal non-functional parrot/human family. :P


PS - Nancy, I know you would have helped should you have lived closer, NOT!!! :P

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I am hoping all goes well with the move and a cool front moves in for you! ( cool fronts in Tx mean high 90's ) I picture you bringing things into the new house and Dayo telling you where to put it all. There, put it there, i didn't say put it there!

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LOL Murfchick, your more right than you realize. When I get somehting placed right here at our present hosue he will say "There, thats better!". He just such a smart alec sometimes it almost angers me. :P

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Just one question. Is the tap in the new kitchen Dayo-proof?


Hmmmmmm, good question. The kitchen faucet has cold/hot water handles. I guess that will be a wait and see. What worries me, is it has one of the spray handles you can pull out and squirt.... He better not dare try to get me back for misting him with the spray bottle! :P

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