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I almost hesitate to offer any advise, but for what it is worth, I think, Sukie made great progress for the first few weeks and she kinda went into no more progress mode.


Tried all kinds of new toys, and really letting her/him have his own way.


Ah im just going to say she, I think she is from what I can read....the grey outline on the red thing, whatever it does not matter it is just hard to type without he/she.


I think after talking to the Arab hacks down at the market she is wild caught, they admit it. Get a boatload in from Africa on ships carting arms and what ever will make a buck, which explains why she makes monkey noises.


She has been very skittish after the great progress she made in the first three weeks


Any how now to the advise, I found she likes David Foster the Symphony sessions CD.


She calms down and purrs and falls to sleep quickly.



I am in it for the long run, all we have is time.


Please forgive me for giving advise as a newbie, but it isnt anything that can hurt your loved one, so what the heck LOL.


Take it for what it is worth.

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Sukie made great progress for the first few weeks and she kinda went into no more progress mode.

The honeymoon period is over and now the true personality is showing thru but do not give up just yet as you haven't had Sukie but for a few weeks and it is nothing in terms of grey time. Just be patient and give Sukie lots of time and don't push for more than he/she is will to give.

I have to preach a little here but Sukie is probably wild caught and this practice will not stop until people quit buying these animals and you have only contributed to the problem, I am not blaming you per se but as long as there is a market for these birds it will continue to be a problem. Off my soapbox now.

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Are you a Clint Eastwood fan? You say "this practice will not stop until people quit buying these animals and you have only contributed to the problem"


Id like to quote from a movie of his. Paraphrase "When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife and a "explitive", I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross. I am going to shoot him and ask questions later.


I walked in to a bird sweat shop if you will, and took one of these poor tortured birds out of there. I do not see how I contributed to the problem.


I knew nothing about this wild capture thing before last month.


If you saw what they were doing to these birds, you would want to get them all out of there.


Off my soap box. :)

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Hi Kevin. Thanks for posting this. Any and all thoughts on what worked for you and your is welcomed with open enthusiasm. Music is soothing to the soul of man and beast when you find the type they seem to respond to most favorably.


As Judy so well said "The honeymoon is over". But, those first few weeks are still imprinted in Sukies minds and memories that some humans are ok. Specifically you. Wild beasts can learn to trust the "Right" humans over time. Thanks for posting this and please continue to do so rather than lurking. :)

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As a matter of fact I am a Clint Eastwood fan but that has nothing to do with this. The market for these wild caught birds was started because people are willing to pay money for these birds, simple truth and it will not stop until the people stop supporting it. I know you feel like you have rescued this grey and for that I commend you but you can't save them all. This practice needs to be stopped and it will not until people quit buying the birds.

Do you realize how these birds are caught? They are trapped under a net and who knows how many of them perish or have to be euthanised because they are frightened and flail about with some breaking bones and suffocating to death, I have seen films of this very practice.

This is nothing against you personally and I wish you the best with Sukie but this trade of selling wild caughts birds is deplorable and should be stopped.

Off my soap box now.

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"As a matter of fact I am a Clint Eastwood fan but that has nothing to do with this."


I can hear the "Hang em High" music already playing in the background and spurs clanging as the shoot out begins with those low down Poachers. :)

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Kevin welcome! It sounds terrible how the arab world treats our babies. You, adopting yours, I consider a rescue. Stop lurking, always give your opinion, and best of luck! A wild caught grey must be hard to work with, but thru love, I believe it can happen.I'm not saying its the same thing, but when we rescued our sunconure from a rescue home, he would fly out and attack people's necks! I think he was going for the jugular!He had NO experience with humans as we could see. Just fed. After getting pneumonia the first week he was here, I moved his cage next to me and lived in living room for ten days. I was very ill, but with kids help, fed him. Within a week, he was coming out of cage to see me. When I finally got better, moved back into my bedroom, he would fly up to my bed to check on me.He eventually fell in love with our Amazon, and they have been a pair ever since. Nancy

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Hi Kevin, Thanks for joining us and bringing that music suggestion to us. My guy isnt wild caught, but anything that could make him purr would be highly sought after. And Judy, I have watched those videos and it is heart wrenching and despicable. I would do anything to help stop this because I now live with an amazing grey. Now that I have been introduced to their intelligence and uniqueness, it makes me think long and hard about how Gilbert got here too. We all have greys that are likely only one generation off from the wild caught parent. For me, it is a circular reasoning. If he wasn't bought in the first place and abandoned a couple of times, I wouldn't have the blessing that he has been in my life. Now that he is here, I am committed to making his life the best it can be under the circumstances and to stick with him to the end of our days. And around and around I go.

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Not sure what to make of this... After several nights of playing the music softly, today my wife calls me and said she turned on her regular daytime music. Heard a lot of vocal stuff coming from Sukie and she went out to the living room and she is dancing, not just a little head bob, but getting down on it LOL.


She doesn't speak yet (Just the regular sound effects stuff)


Do not know where she got it from, besides the TV maybe.... lol


Thanks for the words of encouragement.


Like I said, Im in it for the long haul.

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There is no telling what Sukie will come out with. One of the great things about being a grey parront is how they are always surprising you. I've had Timber for almost a year and once in awhile he will say or do something that I know came from his past, since he hasn't learned it at my house.

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If Sukie likes to " get down".... then get down! LOL! Communication thru music can be amazing! Sophie loves rap and rockn roll. Kiki loves the violin and opera. ( yuck!). Although I love when my son plays the violin. If someone is getting murdered on TV and screams.... Kiki is all over it, and repeats to perfection, even if she is in bed. I tend to see the scene coming and turn down the volume. She loves nothing more than a poor woman getting murdered. Nancy

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