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Sudden change in behaviour


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Hello, I'm wondering if anyone would have ideas on how to resolve our situation:


We had our african grey Zaky for just a few months (he is about 5 months old now), but he really seemed to get along with us fast. He is nice to everyone but he especially was good friends with me, I took him out of the cage all the time and he always flew to me if I asked, or even if I didn't, fell asleep sitting on me etc. And never tried to bite me.


Recently though he started being VERY hostile with me, and I just can't seem to understand why. I never abused / hurt / screamed at him for anything, even if he did something wrong I just asked him to stop it and fly to me, it usually worked. But now, while he is still nice to everyone else in the family, and this is really weird cause they also thought that he really loves me but now he seems to be really angry with me for some reason, he wouldn't even let me take him out of the cage, if I try to get him to step up or just go near him he bites me as hard as he can. I might have spent a little less time with him the past few weeks cause I had a lot of finals coming up, but it's not like I ignored him so I don't know if that is that reason, and I want to spend more time with him now but he won't even leave the cage if I open it.


I just can't think of anything that could've caused this, does anyone have any ideas?

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I am going through this also with Bongo, he is my boy but now will not come out of his cage when i ask him and we have had him for over a year and a half. If i try to get him to step up from inside his cage, he scurries to the top. He knows i won't chase him or force him so he just hangs upside down until i leave the room. When he is out of his cage, he is just as loving as he use to be. Lol. Sometimes i think they are just testing the waters.

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As they age, many do become more Cage aggressive. It is viewed as their home and space. I cannot get Dayo to step up from inside his cage most the. I just watch and if the talon raises high it's safe. If it does not raise at all or only a 1/4 inch, blood will be let if I try to get a step up. My wife however can get a step up from inside the cage anytime. She is his love muffin. Out of the cage, Dayo will readily step up for me unless he wishes to remain where he is and that goes for my wife as well.


It could be some attitude showing through right now due to the change in schedule. As they age, they also display feelings more intensely. The bottom line is, many become more and more protective of there cages as the age. But, so never do. Each is an individual case study. :)

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Do you have a gym in front of cage? It is important. Birds generally don't stepup well from their cage, so if you can get them interested in a play gym in front of cage, that may be helpful. I NEVER recommend anyone to put their fingers inside the cage, unless invited. Hense... work off the door, but if you have no success, work off a play gym. I also believe in being taller than my birds. Just works for me. When I am shorter.... I would get a nip. If I was taller... not so much. Its been debated! Its called " the honeymoon is over!" Try starting with opening cage door, getting in a habit of reading a book in front of cage. Sophie my grey, was very fond of all books by Dr. Seuss. Anything that rymes. She also would come out when the family would play board games in front of her cage. She couldn't resist! We adopted her at age two, played board games in front of her cage the first week. Beyond sitting on the door, she climbed down and jumped on my shoulder. Kids and I ignored her. She had to " stepup" to the next person to take a turn. Now more than a decade later.... she is playing monopaly, pictionary...etc. If she feels she is on the losing team, she switches! LOL Nancy

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I am suprised to hear about the cage aggression and not wanting to step up. I have never had a problem with my 3, this is interesting .


I have a suggestion, I bought the twisted rope perch that is about 14-18 Inches long, I made a half circle and attached it too the door on the inside, when I open the door as I am letting them out, sometimes Rikki will wait on that perch and when the door opens, she is now on the outside and then you can have them step up.

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Talon... birds are extremely protective of their cage! You are lucky! I haven't put my finger in for a " stepup"... for many years. I would get bit. I learned quickly. Sunny our sunconuire will step up if on the door. If he is inside his cage, I have to wear my " white bathrobe". He will bite... but I don't feel it, so why bother. He will stepup. A decade later... Sophie and Kiki will stepup anytime, anyplace, because they trust me entirely. I have to follow Sunny's rules all the time. No robe.... no stepup. Nancy

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My three are good about me getting into their cages. From the beginning I have always just done as I wanted with the inside of their cages while they were in it. Both greys step up without a problem. Now Louie, he will not step up no matter where he is except if he is on the floor.

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Bongo use to step up for me from inside but like yesterday, he ran for the top and wouldn't come out, he would have stayed in all night if Pat hadn't gone in the room. He is not a Pat fan and flys to me everytime Pat is near him. I am actually at a loss with this one, i am hoping it is just a phase and once he gets his fill of alone time he will want to join the family again.

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I suggest ignoring him for now, they don't like being left out of the action or interaction. What ever started this behavior is being reinforced with every bite. Avoiding the bite is the best suggestion I can give , that will help devalue the bite as he is getting no reaction with out your cooperation. Go slowly and work on building trust again he has lost yours for now but that can be restored just give him a hello on the way by and do not even ask for a step up until he asks.

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Like Penny I do not have a problem with my 3, I can put my hand inside and have them step up for me and that includes Josey my grey, she readily steps up from her open door and you don't even have to ask, I put my hand up to her and she knows what I want, all 3 will go back into their cages no problem.

Erik I think something has changed in his environment and it has to do with you, it might be something so seemingly insignificient to you but to him its a big deal so think back to anything you can think of at the time of his changing attitude.

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Erik I think something has changed in his environment and it has to do with you, it might be something so seemingly insignificient to you but to him its a big deal so think back to anything you can think of at the time of his changing attitude.


That's a good point. Did you get a hair cut, grow/shave facial hair, change shampoo, deodorant, or cologne?


I know my Caiques are sensitive to the color shirts I wear. They are afraid of white but love yellow.


Our rabbit is afraid of my hands after I eat an orange.

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Thank you all for the responses and advices, I hope me and Zaky can work something out

That's a good point. Did you get a hair cut, grow/shave facial hair, change shampoo, deodorant, or cologne?


I know my Caiques are sensitive to the color shirts I wear. They are afraid of white but love yellow.


Our rabbit is afraid of my hands after I eat an orange.

I thought about that too but I didn't change anything at all on myself recently, though the weather is getting better so he has seen me in my motorcycle gear for the first time a few times back and he didn't really like it so I avoided appearing like that in front of him again, I don't know if that could have caused it.


The only change in environment could have been that my father was home a lot and he couldn't let him out of the cage, Zaky rarely sees him cause he is only home at weekends, he broke his leg a few months back though so he had to lay at home for a while, usually at the same room Zaky is kept in I don't know if that could've frustrated him.


Also I'd like to add that I recently found out that he is also on bad terms with my father now, but still nice with my mom and sister, seems he only has problems with the male member of the family, I don't know if this is just a coincidence though.

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There are some greys who like one sex over the other so that may factor in also but I hope you get it figured out but in the meantime we feel your pain as we all have had to go thru rough patches at times with our greys, its all part of sharing our life with them.

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