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sand as a substrate???


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hey guys, i just spent 4 hours on my back automechanic style scrubbing the TAG's cage (I HATE THAT CAGE SOOOO MUCH!!)


whilst i was down there, being peppered with bits of food and whatnot and the grey no doubt laughing at me in my little blue showercap, i remembered a passage from Anne Wolter's book on greys that suggested using sand as a substrate. and i had a EUREAKA there's a better way! moment. i would think this would be easier to maintain, (sort of like a cat's litter box) and more environmentally friendly. I was thinking of having two quantities of sand, interchanging and washing them weekly. BUUT i know that the book is old, about three decades (the same age as that darn cage!) so am hesitant to try it. does anybody have any experience using sand as a substrate, and what type of sand should i use??

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I would be concerned about them possibly getting down there and trying to eat it. Mine go down and try to shred the newspaper or whatever I'm using at the time sometimes.


Best thing I've found is getting a big roll of the package wrapping paper (they have the brown paper bag color and also have a wax-type coated white). I have a cutter that is attached to the roll so once a week I cut out 7 sheets to the right length (and they come in different widths) and put them on the bottom after I scrub the cage. Every day then I just take the top piece off. The white waxy paper doesn't let anything soak through so I like that best. (it's very similar to the liner that goes with my parrot tower playstand). I looked and didn't find anything that would say either of them are any worse than newspaper (which I also use in a pinch) for birds.


One of my birds always poops in the same two spots on the cage skirt also and it's a cage where I can put a folded paper towel on those spots so that cage is a breeze to keep clean. The other cage...well that bird will not stand for a paper towel to cover his chosen "release spots" so he will immediately go down and throw it on the floor. At least it works for one!


Good luck in your search and I'm sure others will chime in on the sand. I'm always on the look-out for helpful hints on cleaning also!




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