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Happy Bird Day Biscotti!!


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My dear boy is 4 years old today!! In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I got him & in others it seems like he has been here forever :) I love him to pieces & can't imagine life without him! Happy Bird Day Biscotti Bird!!

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Happy hatchday Biscotti. This was the best day for your mommy bird to start the journey of a lifetime with you. It makes me so happy to see you grow up with such a loving home. With all the laughs I have had just from your videos, I can only imagine that living with you is a thousand times more delightful. You have been an inspiration and a comfort to me. Thanks Chelsea and Biscotti!

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Biscotti sends his thanks to everyone for the wonderful bird day wishes! He's had a delightful day that included his beloved peanut butter and a favorite blackberry! :) And of course a nice "package" to shred to his little grey hearts desire.

I do need to take more videos, and yes Dee his laughter & silliness make my world a much better place! <3

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