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Been offered another Blue and Gold...


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I thought i had removed my number from where ever it is listed that people keep calling us about their birds!

Hubby got a call yesterday about a 12 yr old b&g macaw that they want to give us. They said he hasn't been handled in a while and now they just can't. I know we can not take him in but i told them i will try and find him a forever home. They are getting me all the vet info and finding out if the cage will come with him. Sometimes living in my blissful, uninformed world is so nice. When thrown curves like this it reminds me just how many birds out there need help! I wish every person who had a whim to get a bird would be forced to read the parrot bill of rights and have to sign it, punishable by law if they do not follow those words as outlined! Yes, i am on my soap box but we added up how many birds we have found homes for in the last year and it is 9 birds not counting this one. There were 2 others that were in good shape, i new would find a home, that i didn't have to step in and help! Breaks my heart!

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Well you know word of mouth is one of the best ways that people find you but you have such a big heart and I know you will help to find a new home for this blue and gold macaw and I doubt that it will be the last one you hear about.

You wish is my wish and probably every member on this forum's wish about reading and signing the parrot's bill of rights, so many people get these creatures with no knowledge of what they are getting themselves into and then later down the road they are in need of a new home, it should be punishable by law but isn't so we all do our part to help educate people about these wild animals but we have a long way to go I am afraid.

Many kudos to you for doing what you do, bless you.

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The good news is, its the law of attraction. Everyone sees what you have done for the lucky ones who have been graced with the opportunity to live in your home and outdoor aviary. So you are a beacon to all who are looking for a solution and a guide to give another parrot the utopia of your home. I try to look at what you have done from the standpoint of the improvement made in the lives of the parrots involved in this year alone. Then... yep, the parrot bill of rights... and I want to have a little addendum for those who have rehomed a traumatized parrot. For every moment of fear and anxiety, for the times when they show terror because something reminded him of a bad day in his life.... the person responsible should have a chip implanted and the parrot should be taught to flip the switch to give them an electric shock. Okay... I need to crank it down a notch, maybe I have thought about this too many times in the past two years with Gilbert.

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For every moment of fear and anxiety, for the times when they show terror because something reminded him of a bad day in his life.... the person responsible should have a chip implanted and the parrot should be taught to flip the switch to give them an electric shock. Okay... I need to crank it down a notch


I don't think so. I've rescued abused animals all my life & trust me, that's relatively tame compared to some of the things I've dreamt up along the way. It makes me crazy that so many people don't know &/or don't care what harm they've done to something so innocent.


I also know from experience what it's like to wish "they" didn't have my number. But the lifetime of torture & suffering for one abused animal compared to the relatively small amount of heartbreak required to drive anyone to rescue them is, in the greater scheme of things, an incredible trade. It's kind of hard to want to opt out when you look at it that way.


Murfchick, you guys are doing an incredibly hard but amazing job & you're incredible at it. By all means come here & preach to the choir whenever you need. But remember, there WERE 9 miserable birds & counting who you are not only responsible for saving, but actually gave wonderful lives. And there are probably a WHOLE lot more that you will never know about, simply because you've published the story of your motley crew.

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Thank you guys for the support. I got Bubbas cage back today from my neighbor... Just in case. The owner was talking sanctuary before she was told of us and after i asked about vet, cage, food etc., we have not heard back.

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So, i misunderstood hubby. They don't know when his last vet check was, but he will come with his cage, toys and anything else that is his. So if anyone on here knows of a good home he can go too please let me know. They would need to be able to work with him as i feel he has been neglected in that area. He probably won't be "instant bird", but who know what he will become in a new loving home. I hope to meet him soon.

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I just hope we can find him a home. My day goes like this or i would take him in... I chase 2 macaws around the house while dodging a flying, nipping cottonball, hoping i don't have to bend over near a grey who really enjoys pinching my lower half while being watchful for another grey who flies to me on a whim. No wonder i am so tired at the end of the night!

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