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it's hard to be patient!


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So as most of you know, Elliott has only been here for 2 weeks. He is such a great bird, and I want to pet him so badly. I am not complaining; I can feed him, clean his cage, and he will even take food from my hand. He never lunges at me and seems to trust that I would never ever hurt him.


He tries all foods, so that is really great. But for now, no petting and he will not talk to me. He talks to my DH all the time. He is quite enamored with my husband. I believe I am jealous! I have to leave the room to hear his rather extensive vocabulary. I keep telling him how it's me who feeds, cleans, and buys toys and is sure that he is out as much as possible of his cage, take him to the vet, reads all the books, and even joins forums to be sure I am on the right path for him. He just stares at me. :D


I may never get to pet him and I am fully aware of it, but he is so beautiful and I can just imagine how soft he would be. I may have to wait a verrrry long time but it is so hard....:)


He is adjusting though quite well, no feather picking or stress bars on new feathers, he doesn't squawk abnormally or make any screams of distress, so really I should have said nothing, but I know that everyone here understands the impatience at times and the irony of having a parrot you can't touch.


He will reach to eat my toes while hanging off his cage....I suppose that is some sort of progress--LOL Well, I better get to reading really quick all the stuff I've missed since last time I was on. We are having severe storms coming in and I do need to make sure I'm ready with all my storm precautions. Elliott will really not like me if he is scooped up to the storm shelter really fast, we haven't had a chance to practice like I do with Roger.

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Oh gosh, I hope this recent tornado is far from you....


As for Elliott, it has been only 2 weeks. Since you are the care giver, it may take longer for him to warm up to you. He already knows you will care for him, so he doesn't have to earn your love...you've given it to him in the way you respect him to move on his own terms. I think that in his own way, he is building a bond, testing you to see if you will continue to not push yourself on him. I believe the shock of his new home, surroundings, cage, toys, new foods, new voices, humans and sound is still a shock to him being his true self. Remember, he doesn't know this is his forever home, he may be waiting to interact with you the caregiver until he understands this is his family forever,and that can take a long time.

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Sounds like Elliott is doing great! Good insight there from Talon. I know just how you feel about the jealousy, because I've felt that way myself! As you pointed out, two weeks is nothing, and certainly not enough time for you to know if he will be a cuddler or a hands off bird. It was closer to two months before Timber let me scratch his head right above his nose. Now it has been almost a year. Every night before bed, he perches on my arm, puts his head down on my stomach and lets me scratch and rub to my heart's content. Only time will tell! :)

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Two weeks is nothing when you are talking about a grey so develop some patience, they don't say "good things come to those who wait" for nothing. Just be patient and give it more time but realize some greys do not like much touching.

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Something tells me that Elliott is going to respond to you before I get my first real trust from Gilbert. It was one thing when he was sweet on our daughter before she finished college and left home. Then I thought I would be his favorite as he previously had ignored my husband completely. Nope, he became enamored with hubby. Then, when we visited my sister, she became his wonderful-favored-great-one. Its two years and counting. He wants me close with the lights on if he is scared. He wants to see me last thing before he closes his eyes and first thing when he awakens. Yet I am the only one of all our family as they come and go to whom he still refuses to step up to from his cage area, inside or out. I fully take advantage of everyone who comes along and gets into his good graces by having them ask for a step up. Then if they ask him to go to me, he happily obliges from their hand. He also is quiet cooperative to step up for me from the floor after he climbs there on his own and from any other room in the house if he is on a floor stand or table perch. Its okay to yearn for his goodness to be cast upon you. You have shown patience with Roger and have a great outlook with Elliott. It will be soon. In grey time.

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Hi. Another Oklahoman! Welcome. Where abouts are you? It is still early days, so there is no telling how willing your grey will end up being regarding petting. My CAG Gracie does not like to be petted at all. She never has. She does like beak / nose kisses, but that is it. She will be 2 at the end of July. It used to be something I missed and wanted, but we have gotten so close and bond in different ways. Of course I would love to cuddle the little girl, but if it doesn't happen, I'm ok. I hope you have that experience with your grey.

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Something tells me that Elliott is going to respond to you before I get my first real trust from Gilbert. It was one thing when he was sweet on our daughter before she finished college and left home. Then I thought I would be his favorite as he previously had ignored my husband completely. Nope, he became enamored with hubby. Then, when we visited my sister, she became his wonderful-favored-great-one. Its two years and counting. He wants me close with the lights on if he is scared. He wants to see me last thing before he closes his eyes and first thing when he awakens. Yet I am the only one of all our family as they come and go to whom he still refuses to step up to from his cage area, inside or out. I fully take advantage of everyone who comes along and gets into his good graces by having them ask for a step up. Then if they ask him to go to me, he happily obliges from their hand. He also is quiet cooperative to step up for me from the floor after he climbs there on his own and from any other room in the house if he is on a floor stand or table perch. Its okay to yearn for his goodness to be cast upon you. You have shown patience with Roger and have a great outlook with Elliott. It will be soon. In grey time.


Are you sure Gilbert and Elliott are not related from hatching? LOL. You put that so well, "yearning." That's it exactly! My excitement of wanting a grey for so long doesn't help. I still really enjoy Elliott so much if he never allows me more than we have now it's okay.

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Hi. Another Oklahoman! Welcome. Where abouts are you? It is still early days, so there is no telling how willing your grey will end up being regarding petting. My CAG Gracie does not like to be petted at all. She never has. She does like beak / nose kisses, but that is it. She will be 2 at the end of July. It used to be something I missed and wanted, but we have gotten so close and bond in different ways. Of course I would love to cuddle the little girl, but if it doesn't happen, I'm ok. I hope you have that experience with your grey.


Hi there! I am near Kingfisher sort of, northwest of the city. I see you're in Tulsa, so pretty out there. My DH can give a little head scratch to Elliott, not much. And once he put his head down for me to scratch it the first week he was here and that's how I received my first bite from him. My fault. I laugh about it, because I fell for the oldest bird trick in the world :)

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