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Our Grey Rescued For Adoption In A New Home


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After much thought and a heavy heart, we contacted the South Jersey Bird Club and a trainer/adoption lady came and took our 3 & l/2 yrs. old CAG today. We were so happy that she was able to take his large cage as well; it will be hard enough to be in a strange home but much better for him to be able to stay in his own cage.

We made this decision after months of him being aggressive and biting us all the time. We feared for the safety of our poodle as well. We felt it was fair to research the best possible thing to do for him and we do miss him, but feel that he will find a happy home for many years.

Thank you all for the many helpful hints and comments in the past - this is a wonderful forum.

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I am so sorry you are parting company with your boy and understand your reasons and concerns for him. Hopefully you will get news from his placement. One of the nicest things when I rehomed Gilbert was that his former caretaker could follow our progress through the forum as we were both members. Having the experience of bringing in a troubled grey and feeling so blessed to have him, I am so grateful that Sara was ready to relinquish him right at the time I was ready for him to come to us. If you have contact information, could someone PM to you if they are interested in adopting him?

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I am sorry that things didn't work out for you and this grey but hopefully he will find a new forever home with people who understand him and his personality, don't take it as defeat but that he just needs the right person to work with him and his issues, a better fit you might say.

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I received an e-mail from the rescue/adoption non-profit organization that came last night and took our "Makita" - who is now known as "Mollie". This organization is located in Upper Darby, Pa. and the Director, Margaret told me she can tell if a parrot is connecting with a person that wants to adopt it. They are not kept over 30 days because she doesn't want the bird to bond with her (trainer) - by this time they are usually always ready for adoption. The non-profit organization has a website if anyone is interested in it..... http://www.jojothegrey.org ----she wrote that "she" needs socialization and she does not like other birds. Of course, all our bird ever saw was us and our dog most of the time. We have a heavy heart and feel sadness as well over this hard decision. We only want what is best for "her" and pray she will be loved in her new home for many, many years.

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The Adoption and Rescue for Birds, Inc. - Margaret Ouali-Director, is located in Upper Darby, Penna. It is a non-profit organization and they ask for a donation when they take your bird for training/adoption. I first contacted South Jersey Bird Club and they referred me to Margaret. It is called JoJo the Grey Adoption and Rescue For Birds Inc. and the website is http://www.jojothegrey.org which is very interesting. I hope this is helpful if someone has a need as we did.

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