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Flight suit ... CHECK!


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Lola wore a flight suit for the first time! Without having seen one ever before.


She was great!we've had her for 5 weeks, and she has been wonderful. Takes everything in stride!




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Judy - she currently has her wings clipped (I got her this way) so we will be sticking with the flight suit for the time being. she does have an outdoor cage that she enjoys spending some time in when we are outside.


Eventually, when she is super comfortable with the flight suit, I will switch her over to the aviator harness and let her fly. I am not sure i want a fully flighted bird, because I live with 4 humans, and 4 dogs, so the doors and windows are open constantly. I will speak to my vet about doing a less intense wing clip.



I am amazed at how well adjusted and brave she is. She was on the counter today as I was making my smoothie, and she wasn't even a bit fearful. She continued to munch on her banana, through all of the blending. Tapping, crushing ice, etc. she wore her flight suit the first time she saw it!

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Please do get her used to the harness while she is still young and accepting of it, she may be fearless now but more than likely as she gets older she will become more cautious as greys tend to be leary of anything new or different but who knows maybe she will be one of the exceptions to the rule.

You are right, if there are many people and other types of pets in the household it will be more difficult to have a fully flighted bird but like you said your vet can help you with that decision as he knows you better than we do.

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Judy - at what age do they typically become "cautious?" Lola is 2, and has been very brave. She is Leary of men, but I also haven't convinced any of the men to be patient enough to get her comfortable with them. Although she will step up to them once she is out of her cage.

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Lola may be so well socialized that she may not become phobic about things as lots of greys do, I know mine is very watchful of anything new or different and it takes her some time to accept the fact that its not going to eat her. I'd say as the years go by she will gradually get a little more cautious and not be as brave as she is now.

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