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Soaking in Showers?


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Do your greys ever get "soaked" in the shower/bath? It seems like no matter how long Kenya is under the water spray (and we use a handheld also to get her tummy and under her wings), she still looks barely "misted". Our eclectus gets absolutely drenched within about a minute.


Kenya (she looks like she hates it but will walk down our arms to get to the water when given a choice):


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Well, I does take a little longer for us to get Dayo soaked than our Conure, but not like 10 minutes of drenching :-)


We have started exclusively "Misting" him with Aloe, rather than a water shower. This takes a little longer to get under the wings and body, but he is so much more supple in skin and feather texture it is unbelievable.


Once soaked, it takes him a good hour to dry out :P

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Dan/Judy -


Where do you get your aloe spray? Is there a particular brand better than another? I would have thought it would impact their preening (like it would taste different or something) but apparently not. I may try that.

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Lisa, I got mine at Walmart, it comes in a gal container and I put it in a spray bottle and let her have it. It is completely harmless and when it dries it leaves no smell on their feathers but they seem softer. It is very soothing for their skin.


Don't know where you live but a Walmart in Virginia is where I got mine.

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It seems that Walmart carries it in many areas, but it did not in mine.


I finally found it at a Health/Vitamin store called "The Vitamin Shoppe".


It actually assists in the preening process as it moistens the pin feather sheaths and skin thus making it easier for them to remove the sheath.


It seems most Aloe Juice is pretty much the same across the board. I did notice though that some brands have been distilled to a point that they do not need refrigeration after opening, which is the type I purchased in a gallon jug.


MRSpock, the Aloe Guru could answer this with more experience than I with it though. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/21 15:07

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The brand that I purchased at Walmart said on the label to refridgerate after opening so mine is not distilled down like what you purchased Dan.


If you have any questions, MrSpock is definitely the man with the answers on aloe vera juice, he is the one who turned us on to it and knows all about it.

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Thank you both. I just read MrSpock's article and will do some more research on it and will contact him if I have additional questions. We have a Walmart so I'll start there first. If nothing else I'm sure it's available online.


Thanks again!


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Hi Joe - what a coincidence. I had just come back to greyforums from the landofvos website when I saw your note! :-) I love that site and have been there often (I have two eclectus parrots as well as my grey). I hadn't read that article prior to today and she also has another longer one on aloe as well that I found.




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Judy - you said you purchased yours at Walmart. The only Aloe Vera Juice I could find was a gallon jug with the brand name Fruit of the Earth. It is only 99.8% Aloe though, but does require refrigeration after opening. Is this what you have?


It says it contains no sugars, starches, or thickeners.


The ingredients list says: Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate (a food preservative at 1/10 of 1%).


Is this okay to use or are the other ingredients harmful?


Thank you,


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Lisa that is it exactly what I got and 99.8% is almost pure juice and I have used it and no harm from it, the other two ingredients are food preservatives but I believe they are safe, at least I know the citric acid is and in the small amounts the sodium benzoate is also.

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