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Neytiri update


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I'm happy to report that Neytiri is making great progress. Now that we've curbed her picking and chewing and have an awesome cream she is improving.


The scabbing is coming off and lots of new pin feathers are poking through. Her preening glad is producing oil again. She still not thrilled about the cone and collar but she's learning to maneuver with it on.


I'm so happy she's doing better. It's such a relief. I'm hoping that by her apt on sat we can remove the cone.

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These have been trying times for you and for Neytiri. I am so glad you are seeing progress. You are doing so well with her. Glad the cone is working and not giving her too much distress. I am sure you are counting down the days until Saturday. It is so close now, Neytiri can count down the days on one foot.

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Got good news and bad news at vet. Ok not really bad news for me anyway. Neytiri is healing up great. Her feathers are coming in nicely. And her infection is all cleared up. She does have to wait two weeks to get her cone off though.

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