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Traveling by car, 9 mo grey


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Radar is now 9 months old. We are taking a family trip (I have 7 kids) from Tennessee to Virginia next week. I purchased a medium sized King's travel cage which we have used to transport to the vet and spend time outside with us. He really does not like the cage but relaxes after awhile in it. I have made hotel reservations and made them aware I am traveling with a bird. We are still working on the flight suit training, but he is taking a long time to warm up to it.

I still have many questions though!

What foods can I bring to have in the cage while we travel? The first leg of the trip is about 9 hours. Can I bring him in a restaurant with us in the cage? In the flight suit?

Should I let him out of the cage to perch on top while I am driving?

I am planning on making arrangements with friends while I am gone so I can leave him at their houses for brief periods of time (a few hours at most) while I am out where he cannot go. I am reluctant to leave him in the hotel at all, especially because I will be at least 45 minutes from the hotel most of the time, and up to 2 hours away. I would rather he be with us.

Any other advice on traveling with him?

Also, I do not want to leave him at home while we are gone with someone to come in and feed him. I spent one night away from him a few months ago and he was NOT happy about that. I cannot imagine what he would do without the hustle and bustle of our daily life. With all the kids around, it is usually busy all the time here. ALso, I would miss him terribly!


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Hey Beth,

I've made a seven hr. road trip twice a year now for the past eight years. My cag and b&g have access to their favorite foods and water but neither will drink nor eat along the way. I give them their usual breakfast before heading out so I'm not overly concerned. You can lead a bird to water but.... I wouldn't recommend Radar being out while underway mainly because of the possibility of him becoming a distraction to the driver. But, with seven kids I bet you're great at multitasking. Still, I would strap his cage down and keep him in it while traveling. If you had to slam on brakes you wouldn't want a cage flying around inside your vehicle. I give my birds a rest break at least twice during the trip because they have to work at staying perched while stopping and starting, going over bumps, slowing down and speeding up etc. etc.. Taking pets inside a restaurant is probably viewed as a health hazzard and against local laws in some areas. Ask though, you may be surprised.

Bon voyage,


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Why do you need a flight suit? Travel with the cage you have. Diet doesn't change. Bring your baby into hotel with his travel cage. You have seven kids. As greys tend to act like they are two, like forever.....just one more two year old! The flight suit is meant when you can practice on the ultimate flying experience. Greys just want to be part of the family. That is their ultimate goal. Nancy

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So Gus, what do you do with the birds when you stop for food? I'm seeing to options there- leave them in the car (not a good idea because its hot), or a drive through. Also, Nancy, I was thinking that with a flight suit, he could go more places than in a cage. If, for instance, while on our trip, I needed to go into the grocery store, It would be much easier to bring him in by carrying him rather than take a chance at a cage in the cart. We will be doing a variety of things while we are gone, using a hotel as base cap but traveling in a three hour radius during the day. I would rather have him with us than leave him at a hotel.

Then again, this is all new to me and I may be over thinking it!

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I don't think you are over thinking it. I agree, don't leave him alone at the motel. No telling what could happen since too many people have keys to the room. And even if you ask for no cleaning products to be used, if you are not there you would never be certain. I think I would stop at smaller restaurants, maybe more of a chance to be allowed to bring him in with you. I would offer small pieces of fruit in the car, that would give him some water and some food. But, as was said, don't worry if he doesn't eat much in the car. Please don't let him on top of the cage while driving - just imagine what would happen if you had to stop fast, or heaven forbid, you were in an accident.

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My CAG and other parrots LOVE to travel. We had concerns before we moved across the country. It took three-four days. They loved it because they had my undivided attention the whole time and they were close to me the whole time. I brought sliced apples, carrots, and nuts, and we snacked along the way. They loved it because they sat on top of their cages and got frequent head scratching. I was surprised at how nonchalant they were about the whole thing. They didn't get to fly and it didn't seem to bother them that much. I am proud of my guys!

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So Gus, what do you do with the birds when you stop for food? I'm seeing to options there- leave them in the car (not a good idea because its hot), or a drive through.


I usually pack a cooler with something to eat and find a fast food place with shade to park the car under. When I need to go inside, I crack all the windows, lock up, and leave my vicious looking dobe, that would lick any intruder to death, on guard duty. Also, an air bag going off while underway could be trouble for Radar.

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I have a parrot size travel case that I use to take my parrots to the vet. Perhaps you could use something like it for going into stores and restaurants, etc. Much less noticeable.





Also if you get some fast food, there are parks all over with picnic tables, restrooms and all. Fresh air and sunlight and yummy food.


As one of 7 kids in a family, I commend you for taking the trip. My Dad would make us count off before he left a place to return home so he wouldn't lose one or two. Great memories.

Edited by luvparrots
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We travel long distances by car just to take our pets along with us. It seems like every place we visit is a minimum of twelve hours if we drive straight thru. Not too many food related stops are parrot friendly. In a pinch, I have zipped up the flaps on Gilbert's backpack carrier, put him in the grocery cart, prayed for silence and hurried like the wind. Like Gus, I have discovered my birds don't want to eat while on the road in the car. If you have time look into one of these "criss cross" rope perches, it was the best thing we found for car travel because it doesn't matter which way the cage is oriented, they can always find a solid spot to counter the sway in the vehicle. http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=15508916 The backpack was the best option for us for travel because there is so little room in the car. We can then pack the travel cage flat and use it when we reach our destination. http://www.celltei.com/pakobird.html I like the idea of packing sandwiches and eating at a rest area, weather permitting. You might be able to enlist a couple of the older kids to get fast food and eat in the car with Radar and take turns with the group to choose the next restaurant. When we have had no choice but to leave any pet in the room for an hour or so, I first went eye-to-eye at the front desk and gave them my cell phone number in the event anyone needed to go in my room, then I put the do not disturb tag in the door.

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Cinnyminis... having a flight suit goal, is awesome, but cannot happen in such a short period of time for radar. He is a baby. He has sooo many other things to learn first.Step up, bedtime, socializing and diet. Sure you can introduce the flight suit.... but for just a few minutes. It will take a long time for them to get adjusted, and trusting the flight suit. They have to trust you first. Traveling with the family, is a fantastic goal! They will learn sooooo much. Again, the goal at this age is to develop the relationship with other family members, a healthy diet, bedtime ritual. Nancy

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