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Hi all, nice to have found this place.


I have been owned by a macaw for about 28 years now. I used to do some bird rescuing (way back when I was younger and had more energy) so not completely new to birds.


In all this time I have always wanted a grey but it just never seemed to be the right time. Until now. :D I am now the proud owner of a CAG. He is not a baby, 19--just a teenager, and is still adjusting to his new place here. It is so different than the other types of parrots I have had in rescuing. He is so careful about checking us out. You can see the wheels turning in his mind.


He is feeling comfortable enough to bite me (twice now) and chew the curtains before I realized that he could reach them, laugh at me, and poop on me. So I am thinking it is going pretty well! Elliot is really pretty fond of my DH much more than me, but that's OK. Roger (the macaw) is not exactly pleased though and I hope to find some hints on making the adjustment of once again having to share the spotlight easier on him. Because, unlike all the others, Elliot is here to stay! I am just so darn excited to have a grey finally....it's been a long time coming. Thanks for reading :)

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welcome, sadly I can offer no advice but there will be some more experienced guys along soon and I look forward to hearing your progress I'm new to the world of CAGs and learning every day.

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Welcome Janelle and Flock! :)


Wow, 28 Years with your Macaw. Congratulations on finally getting a Grey after all this time. Thanks for rescuing him and giving him his permanent landing home. It sounds like you two are already becoming familiar with each other and he is adjusting to his new home very well. It does take a Grey that old a long time to get used to the new surroundings and people. They are one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet earth. The are also so detail oriented that soon he will have every item in the home mentally mapped out down a fraction of an inch placement,, it's color, pattern etc. The best advice I can give is go very slow with him and don't expect him to reveal his true self, likes, dislikes, talking abilities etc. fully for months. When introducing new things like toys, go slow, let him see them from a distance at first slowly over perhaps days move them closer to his cage until finally hanging it on the outside at first for him to look at and perhaps beak, then move it inside once you know he is comfortable with it. Toys or other items he is already used to of course can be placed directly in the cage with no issues. They are very cautious of anything new.


How long have you had him now? I would love to see photos of your flock when you get a chance. :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome! You're so right dan, he watches EVERYTHING we do with such scrutiny. Unlike Roger who is more like a bull in a china shop! LOL. We have only had him a week now. He talks actually quite a bit and does some sounds that some I know, pop tops, water dripping, fire alarm, and some I've no clue. He also mumbles a lot some whole phrases. I have been perusing the new cage section quite a lot because the cage he came with is literally held together with bungie cords and refrigerator shelves for bottom grates that I cannot remove so cleaning is really tough. I am afraid that because I need to replace the cage fairly quickly this will become a set back. I thought I would give it about 6 months, you think that is ok? I will post more on the cage section with questions though.


I was bit when he was sitting on the cage door and he put his head down and ... I fell for it. I have ordered some new toys and will take your advice and go slow. He has a few but they are more like conure/quaker size toys and they worry me quite a lot as they are not proper size. I *feel* that he is adjusting well, but watching closely for signs of stress. Hopefully I can get a few shots of him when he decides it is okay to come out of his cage again, it's a gray cage and he sort of disappears in there.


I've been out of the loop for so long with "birdy stuff and birdy people" that I am sure that I have a lot of stuff to learn that is new to me and some that I need to be reminded of. It's easy to become complacent with only having Roger for so long, we are like peas in a pod and we always know what the other is doing or going to do without even thinking about it. He is my first rescue, my first birdy love, and missing a wing: he was thrown down a flight of stairs in his cage because "he was loud and wouldn't shut up." He is something special to me. It took me 2 years or so to get him to trust me so Elliott has no clue just how patient I can be :)

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Hi Janelle, And welcome to our wonderful family. I love your thorough intro. Always nice to hear the backstory as it helps us offer advice and our own experiences. I would get a new cage ASAP. I did that with all of my parrots. ( I have 2 greys and an amazon) I put it in the room where they were as I built it and climbed inside to attach perches and a few familiar toys. They always watched and many times flew to it and climbed around the outside. I never made a big deal about it, and always stayed relaxed as they are very intuitive and can feel your emotions and anxiety. When it cam time to put the in it for the first night, I always offerd a favorite treat in my other hand as I put them in it so they were distracted by the yummy tray and or realizing what I was doing. Then as I closed the door, I praised them and talked sweetly to them for a long time making a big deal about how much fun it was and how good they were in their new home! I also stayed with them for a while until I was sure they were comfy while I had conversations with them from a distance to allow them their space.

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Omg, I just saw why Roger has no wing. The poor thing.....I HATE how cruel people can be....I am so happy he is with you and you have had him so long. I wonder what having a bird for 28 years is like. Mine 2 are 7 1/2 years and 4 years. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences with Roger as well.

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Welcome and WOW! Thank you so much for rescueing your two babies. I agree, get Elliott in the new cage asap. As for helping Roger adjust I would suggest always talking to him first -at least for awhile - also do for him before you do for Elliott. That will show Elliott that Roger is 'king' and will show Roger that he still comes first. I don't know if or when you are going to introduce them to each other outside of cages, but if you do alway make it a neutral spot, one that neither bird can call thier own. When each of my new guys came in I woudl make a small play area in a room that no one was in and take them both there to play. Now, none of mine are large like a Macaw so you may have to do it slightly differently. Give Roger an extra hug/kiss from me.

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Hi Janelle, Roger and Elliot.

Welcome to the grey forum.

I loved your intro and you sound like a care giver that's is going to do very well in living with a grey.

28 years with a macaw shows your dedication to your birds and you should be an awesome grey parent.

Many grey forum members live with more than one parrot species and they love them all and find a way to make their life work with all their birds.

As for Rogers past, you made right for him and that`s what counts

Edited by Ray P
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Omg, I just saw why Roger has no wing. The poor thing.....I HATE how cruel people can be....I am so happy he is with you and you have had him so long. I wonder what having a bird for 28 years is like. Mine 2 are 7 1/2 years and 4 years. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences with Roger as well.


Having Roger for so long has made me blessed. We've been through a lot together. I am no bird expert, but I am an expert on Roger and he on me. I rarely have to ask him to step up or go home, he responds before I have a chance. It's like our motions are so much in sync, it's hard to explain. I have had him longer than I've been married lol :) The vet that ended up taking his wing off (after we tried pins in the wing to save it) was sure he wouldn't make it. He does live in a smaller cage than usual because he cannot land and his balance is off just enough that if he is startled he could really injure himself with no wing to help the fall. The strangest thing is that his yellow front feathers never grew back in, just the downy ones. The only explanation that we all could come up with is maybe the stress combined with the medications and sedation for the surgery did this, but never really for sure on that. The funny thing is when people ask me if it is difficult for him to fly. I tell them, 'no, but he only can fly in circles.' Thank you for the advice about getting new cage for Elliott and doing it ASAP. I think I have found one that I like and will fit both the room and him. When I figure out posting pics I will post the link to the one I am thinking of and of Roger and Elliott.

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Hi Janelle, Roger and Elliot.


28 years with a macaw shows your dedication to your birds and you should be an awesome grey parent.


I sure hope I can be a good parent to Elliott. He's very different than what I am used to, but acting just right for a grey according to all the stickies and posts I've read. I've a lot to learn about this guy and I want to do right by him.

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Hi Janelle, congrats on your grey. Would love to see some pictures.


I will get them up as soon as I can. I need to read the post on posting pics. I just love yours. I think the cage in your photos and in the cage section is the one that I have picked out for Elliot.

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Welcome! Fighting tears for your macaw, you are a special person for helping him and giving him the life he deserves!

I have greys, blue and golds and an umbrella. First thing i was advised was to not have the greys in the same sleeping room as the macaws as the greys produce so much dust and the macaw nostrals are large and it could cause respitory issuse. One of my guys already has breathing issues so we keep them seperate. As far as who is who in the pecking order, your new grey will be #1 like it or not! Lol We just try for equal time with them all.

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Hi Janelle. Like you, I'm new to the site and have a grey and a b&g. They tolerate each other except when one gets on the other's cage. They grew up together and they're both fifteen. I don't see their attitude toward each other changing. Being bonded to the same person probably has a lot to do with it. Is assembling Elliot's new cage while leaving up his present one an option? Possibly tie the two together with a perch and let him out to explore. Drop a favorite treat in the new cage while he's watching. Curiosity gets the better of mine every time. Good luck!


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Hi Janelle. Like you, I'm new to the site and have a grey and a b&g. They tolerate each other except when one gets on the other's cage. They grew up together and they're both fifteen. I don't see their attitude toward each other changing. Being bonded to the same person probably has a lot to do with it. Is assembling Elliot's new cage while leaving up his present one an option? Possibly tie the two together with a perch and let him out to explore. Drop a favorite treat in the new cage while he's watching. Curiosity gets the better of mine every time. Good luck!



I am not sure both would fit, but it sure couldn't hurt to try it. I could move the couch. :) It would be nice to be able to eventually have both birds at least out of the cages at the same time, but I don't think that will happen for some time.

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murchck, thanks for the tip on the bird dander. Didn't know about that. I have a room air cleaner thing, perhaps that will help, but first I have to find it in the closet and see if I can get a filter for it!

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Hello Janelle and welcome to our family.

Congrats on finally realizing your dream of having a grey share your life with you and as you well know it takes time for an older bird to readjust to a new home.

So sorry for the circumstances of Roger, poor dear to have to suffer a fall down a flight of steps and lose one of his wings, good thing he landed in your home for you have given him just what he needs and I must say that 28 years is a long time but I know you look forward to many many more with him.

I won't ask for pictures for I know you have added some of both your birds.

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Hi Janelle, I am sure glad you found your way in to our forum too. Welcome to you, Roger and Elliott. The comment you made about waiting two years for Roger to trust you is the best indicator that you will win Elliott over in good time. I am just making progress with an older rehomed Timneh grey after two years and he didn't have near the level of trauma Roger has endured. Lucky for Elliott, Roger can give him the low down on wrapping you around his little talon.

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Hi Janelle, I am sure glad you found your way in to our forum too. Welcome to you, Roger and Elliott. The comment you made about waiting two years for Roger to trust you is the best indicator that you will win Elliott over in good time. I am just making progress with an older rehomed Timneh grey after two years and he didn't have near the level of trauma Roger has endured. Lucky for Elliott, Roger can give him the low down on wrapping you around his little talon.


LOL, yes, I am assuming that is taking place while I'm at work. :)

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