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Timneh or Congo? Our baby might not be our baby


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I was supposed to be buying a TAG from a great local breeder. She was supposed to be pulling the babies from a pair that an elderly breeder friend of hers has. She was then going to hand feed them and socialize them. They have done this before. Well, the elderly lady decided to pull them and start hand feeding the babies herself. She has now told our breeder that she's not ready to give them up yet. We were buying from this specific breeder because all of her babies are so well socialized with children as well as adults.


The breeder is giving us the option of: getting our deposit back; waiting to see if the other lady eventually gives the TAGs to her; or she can get CAG babies that are 2 weeks old right now and hand feed and socialize them and we can purchase one of them for the same price she was going to charge us for the TAG.


What would you do? Would you wait for another TAG to become available? Our breeder has a pair of TAGs that just laid eggs a month ago, but they were infertile.


My reason for buying a TAG was that we have children and I've read that they are less prone to nervousness and are more social than CAGs. Have you found this to be true?


I'm afraid that if we wait and get the TAG after the original lady gets done with them, it won't be socialized.

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My first parrot is a TAG and she was socialized excellently by her breeder. Ana Grey is very self-assured and fearless. She chooses who she likes and that's about everyone. I also have a CAG and he is a little more selective about who he likes. If he sees new people even small children he screams like a banshee. It takes awhile for Sterling Gris to trust others and get over his nervousness. Of my two greys, yes I would say that my TAG is more social and less nervous around people.


As for choosing between a TAG and CAG, they live a very long time so I would make sure you get the one you want.

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Janet gave good comments in regards her TAG.


As she indicated, getting a TAG is no guarantee they will be more social or enjoy children more compared to a CAG. Every Grey is an individual with it's own personality. My grey Dayo (CAG) loves children and adults so much that when they come to visit, I must ensure he stays off of those I know are just flat out fearful of him or don't want a possible poo left on them.


Your situation at this time with the breeder changing their mind in regards the TAG you have a deposit on is a tough one. I know how it is when you think you have something and are anxiously awaiting the arrival day. My best advice is take a deep breath, realize this is a bump in the road and to wait until you can get a TAG. The reason I say this, is you have decided through research you feel a TAG is a better fit in your situation and if you went ahead just to quickly get any grey and wound up with a CAG you would have anxiety over the concern if it is going to be well socialized and not be a possible threat to your children or guests.

Edited by danmcq
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Yes, all great advice. I has a cag and a tag. Both are very different. My cag gets nutty if there is anything different in her souroundings, but is free flighted so she can fly away if she doesn't like something. But she is the most friendly of my 2. She enjoys company and really wants to be friends with them. She will fly next to where they are sitting and put her head down and say...coo. Her way of offering friendship. And she loves cuddles!

My tag isn't afraid of much, but she is a joker in her interactions with us. She is not a cuddler, but she is less nervous regarding new things. A lot depends on personality and the interactions of your home. Whatever you decide, you will adore them and remember, it is a lifetime commitment,. Having a parrot in your home means its their forever home.

Edited by Talon
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Even though I have had two CAGs and one TAG separately in my home, the behavior is so individual to each one, I couldn't say one is better than another. It would be a little like choosing a favorite child. What I can see from your post is this breeder or caregiver seems up front with you and has your interest at heart. What would be the harm in asking for your deposit back with the idea that you really prefer to get a TAG with the benefit of her reputation of acquiring and socializing her babies. This way, you are covered. If she were to get the same TAGs when the elderly couple IS ready to give them up, you could decide then if you want to redeposit and put your heart into one. If she were to get the CAGs and realizing it isn't your first option give you the chance to come get to know them. It takes such a long time to hand feed and wean, it isn't like you need to make a decision today or lock into a deposit when you have had significant changes in the expectations. I have found what is meant to be, will be.

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I am looking forward to following your journey and sharing it with you. I wrestled with the TAG? or CAG? question as well. I went back and forth. I ended up with a wonderful CAG and couldn't be happier. I'm sure you will be just as happy with your TAG. As everyone has said so far, generalizations are really of little help because they are such individuals. I was at a bird fair a few months back and listened to a breeder tell a prospective buyer that CAGs were mean and only liked one person. I had to approach and offer my experience which was completely different. Like Dayo (Dan's CAG) my CAG loves lots of people and is a sweetie. So much will depend on how you socialize your new family member. I'm sure that with love and patience, your little TAG will be a much loved and much loving member of the family. That doesn't mean it will be sunshine and roses every day, however. Even the sweetest greys will test you. I'm sure you are up for the challenge. Welcome, and please keep us posted. Since I don't have a TAG, I love hearing about them.

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