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What do my birds do

Ray P

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LOL Ray. This is going to be a fun thread. :)


Dayo does not even wait for me to start saying No. I can hear him as he is getting or doing something forbidden. I'll start hearing "No No No No No" and when I look, there he is busily at work on that item.

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Gabby has this look she gives us. Her normally round eyes change to slits, her head cocks to the side and she will waddle off to whatever we told her not to do and do it, just to tick us off. We know she is doing to make us mad because she will look back at us as if to say, " You dared to tell me no, ha, you fools. You shall pay for that mistake".

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Great thread Ray. When I tell Java no she has a cute little mechanical voice she uses and says "uh oh" and she usually stops what she is doing... for a price. LOL Gilbert on the other hand, if I tell him no, he says "Ow ow ow" which I have learned is what he says when he is thinking about giving me a bite.

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My TAG and ZON are pretty good at being angels. Now my CAG, he just stops what he is doing and moves away. When he thinks I have forgotten his discretion, he goes back and just starts again.

Tenacious little booger for sure.


wow Janet, a Zon who behaves???? That's unheard of in my house!

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Penny, you have to remember that Louie is a re-home who was keep outside by his human family after the hubby, Louie's parront, became ill. Louie is very cautious. I can't touch him, but he is very observant and tries very hard to please. He loves to preen my hair. If I find a female zon, I think I would re-home her without hesitation so that Louie can see what life for a zon should be. I just love him to pieces.

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Funny posts! When I tell Roger "no" he will stop whatever he is doing and (I think) find out if I'm serious or not. He could be just judging how far I am from him and how much time does have until I make it over to where he is. Usually his big thing is getting to the floor to chase the dog off the dog bed. If this works, he will roll over on his back and play on the bed, eventually regurgitating all over it. I will tell him, Roger, dang it, go home. He waits till I walk over to him and bend down to let him step up and then rolls over again so I can rub his belly and gives me giant wet kisses, thus getting out of any trouble at all 'cuz that is dang cute. I don't know about Elliott, I haven't had to tell him no for anything yet. I'm sure over time that will change!

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It is hard to tell with Gracie. Sometimes she does "naughty" things just to get my attention, so if I say "no no" and come over to her, she stops what she is doing and enjoys time with "Daddy". If she really wants to do the naughty thing and doesn't care about the attention, she normally ignores my admonitions like so much "wah wah wah" from Charlie Brown's teacher.

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