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Corky keeps us fit.

Ray P

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We keep a number of toys on the table for Croky and Cricket to play with when they come out in the morning.

The first thing Corky will do is pick up a toy and go over to the edge of the table and drop it to the floor and look at it and than look at you as if to say, pick it up. I know all your greys do the same think, but when you bend over to pick it up she runs to the other side of the table with a toy and drops it on the floor over there, look at than look at you until you go over there and pick it up. so as you pick up that toy it`s all over again to the other side. I have to say from bending over that I am very trim for my age.

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LOL, I know that one well. :)


You know, you see all these other "Workout" programs on TV advertised. We should start one "The African Grey Workout". They think standing in place and doing all the exercises is a good work out? Try having a flighted parrot you must not only do the deep knee bends, stretches, foot lifts, twists, arm pumps, jumping, running etc. while your moving trying desperately to keep up with a flighted 30MPH projectile moving up, down , banking, weaving and hovering as they move spot to spot ripping, tearing, throwing etc. and laughing and saying No No No No No all the way. :P

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I ask daily why i am not thinner! Our umbrella will toss every toy from his bucket except for the one he has chosen to play with. He has a method to his tossing like this... One toy out, i pick it up, as soon as i stand the second toy hits the floor, down, up, down, ouch that one hits my head and its usually the block of wood, up. I would leave them on the floor but i have a hoarding chihuahua who steals and hides them. It is like Christmas when we clean her bed, 99% almond shells.

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You guys are too funny! I love Dans idea........just a few minutes ago, I was TRYING to relax on the couch with my iPad driving my coffee, when Rikki decided to be brave and go where she's never gone before...the fireplace mantel where she found the loose change bowl....one by one throwing the coins onto the floor and going after once she realized how cool the sound was.....being lazy on this rainy Saturday.....my daughter and I just watched and laughed! All the time in the back of my mind, I was wondering....who the hell is going to pick all these coins up??????

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