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Crickets Bath

Ray P

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If we want Cricket to take a bath all the wife has to do is fire up the vacuum and she jumps into her pan of water and will splash around and have a great time.

She will take a bath on her own, but when she sees the vacuum come out, she gets all excited and is ready for a swim.

So what motivation dose your zon need to take a bath ??

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If Louie wants a bath, he just waits to hear the microwave going in the AM to know that breaky is on the way. He then dips himself in his water bowl knowing that fresh water for the day is on its way. Also if they see the water sprayer, Louie will fly to his cage top and open his wings for big sprays. I no longer have a large goldfish bowl as my parrots think its their own watering hole or snack shop. All three of my gang are water babies, especially the zon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing the vacumn does, is get Kiki to show us her feathers! She LOVES it, but pretends to hate the vacumn. I know what she loves and hates. Sophie lands on the vacumn and " helps" me. Kiki will get in the shower anytime you ask her. She expects a blowdry after.I LOVE watching her during a blowdry. Lift of wings... " dry me here I said!" Sunny our sunconure also loves a shower and blowdry. He will say " hello over and over". He can't talk... as he was abused and ignored during most of his lifetime, but I know what he is saying. His hello, is not a normal hello. Nancy

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