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Kevin ritson

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What the heck is " tea tree concealer?" As I am a woman, I am embarrassed that all these guys know what it is and I don't! Nancy


It is a special potion that makes Tea Tree's invisible. Haven't you ever walked right into a Tea Tree and Bam, "What the Hell" and you feel around and sure enough it's a Tea Tree......coarse I am a man so what the hell would I know other than that obvious answer. :P

Edited by danmcq
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Didn't help.I will repeat my request...what is this?

danmcq... please don't be " smug" with your intelligence. You are not as smart as you think... and are quick to snub your nose at the rest of us!LOL! You have always amused me.... as how smart you think you are, when you know shit! Tired of your attitude that you know so much more, and us mere mortals, know nothing! Nancy P.S. When your grey loves you to death, and wants to hang with you 100%, let me know I will be glad to help you with biting issues. Nancy

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Didn't help.I will repeat my request...what is this?

danmcq... please don't be " smug" with your intelligence. You are not as smart as you think... and are quick to snub your nose at the rest of us!LOL! You have always amused me.... as how smart you think you are, when you know shit! Tired of your attitude that you know so much more, and us mere mortals, know nothing! Nancy P.S. When your grey loves you to death, and wants to hang with you 100%, let me know I will be glad to help you with biting issues. Nancy

What is going on? This went from a health question that the original poster was satisfied with to some lighthearted joking to this? Nancy if you are serious google the tea tree concealer, http://www.thebodyshop.com/make-up/face/tea-tree-concealer.aspx Please keep the family friendly language in mind and send private messages if you are having a personal issue.

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Hi Nancy. I did not intend to slight you at all or offend. I was just being light hearted and making a joke. As I said in that short reply "coarse I am a man so what the hell would I know". In other words I know nothing of women's cosmetics. I apologize since you took it as offensive.

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I am glad he is ok this morning but darn, with 1 3/4 naked birds i was really hoping you had stumbled onto something that could help! Lol


Not sure what happened or if Nancy was offended, her reply had a "lol" after her come back. I really was enjoying this thread and laughing out loud, then it took a turn. The concern was answered and humor injected. Come on everyone, just relax and enjoy. Everything in our daily life is so serious that this was a good break!

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Thanks Murfchick. Just a a quick question for you. Is there an "Un-concealer" since now I know these "concealers" exist, I would like to splash some un-concealer on my wife to see what she REALLY looks like!! :P

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Kevin, we all worry a lot. Years ago when Dayo my grey was around 6 months old he got a hold of a black ink pen. I hear the crack as the shell broke, look up and he has Black in on his beak, tongue and talon. Talk about freaking out. I was posting like a mad man on here for advice while holding Dayo down screaming his bloody head off while I washed and wiped the ink off of his beak and talons and tried my damnedest to keep the powerful beak pulled open to get it off the tongue.....Talk about a heart attack for me and of coarse Dayo because he thought I was killing him. :P

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Kevin, we all worry a lot. Years ago when Dayo my grey was around 6 months old he got a hold of a black ink pen. I hear the crack as the shell broke, look up and he has Black in on his beak, tongue and talon. Talk about freaking out. I was posting like a mad man on here for advice while holding Dayo down screaming his bloody head off while I washed and wiped the ink off of his beak and talons and tried my damnedest to keep the powerful beak pulled open to get it off the tongue.....Talk about a heart attack for me and of coarse Dayo because he thought I was killing him. :P



My mental images on this one cracks me up. Especially when I think what Dayo must have been thinking - "WTF, he's gone mad and turned on me...I knew not to let my guard down with non-domesticatable hoomans" - haahaaa

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Kevin, we all worry a lot. Years ago when Dayo my grey was around 6 months old he got a hold of a black ink pen. I hear the crack as the shell broke, look up and he has Black in on his beak, tongue and talon. Talk about freaking out. I was posting like a mad man on here for advice while holding Dayo down screaming his bloody head off while I washed and wiped the ink off of his beak and talons and tried my damnedest to keep the powerful beak pulled open to get it off the tongue.....Talk about a heart attack for me and of coarse Dayo because he thought I was killing him. :P


.....I was posting like a mad man on here for advice while holding Dayo down screaming his bloody head off while I washed and wiped the ink off of his beak and talons and tried my damnedest to keep the powerful beak pulled open to get it off the tongue.....




And you wonder why Dayo nips and bites at you every chance he gets?????? LOL

Edited by luvparrots
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LOL Janet, I know right? My wife always makes me be the "Bad Cop"...... :P


But, that's ok, I love Dayo unconditionally and enjoy the 80 % shoulder riding, scratches and belly tickles that makes up for the occasional bite. :)

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Thank you Nancy, I think we have all been on edge more than usual and it is such a relief for you and Dan both to be kind and turn this back around. I'm sure glad there were no ill effects from the samplings of "mama's makeup". The joking on this thread did remind me of the time I came out of the shower with a towel on my head while I was trying out a new mud mask and our dog went out of her mind barking. It was the only time ever that we saw her get agressive. You could steal everything we had, but don't be putting mud on your face. With parrots, I can only imagine the reaction 'cause I have reached that special time in my life where a little concealer isn't going to help, we need a major construction bid process.

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