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Drinking Excessively!?


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I adopted a Timneh Grey in February. After 6 weeks i noticed his droppings didn't seem right, they were getting rather watery. We took Sydney, who is about 18 month old to the vets as we had only lost a Grey last October to Proventricular Disease. The vets took x-rays and did full blood count and ruled out Proventricular. The results came back as showing he was lacking in protein, had malnutrition and also concern that he had zinc poisoning from a toy in his previous cage! There was some improvement after the first lot of injections, but starting going backwards before finishing the second lot. We've had his zinc levels checked again and are still awaiting results. Have had all his bloods checked again and now his protein levels have dropped very low. Advised to give him lentils, kidney beans and pulses etc to help with protein, also to get him on a pellet diet. Sydney is still drinking excessively and his droppings are'nt good. Have been told by vets that diabetes is very rare in birds and that again the treatment would be to get him on better diet. Vet says the next stage now would be to do endoscopy and kidney biopsy, but don't know if I can put the poor fella through much more! Anyone got any advise they can give me please?

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This is very sad to read considering you just lost your previous grey months ago. Considering the tests and results you have already received, I know I cannot give any comments on this other than to advise you to continue down the path your avian vet has outlined. I hope the results from the tests your awaiting give them information to act upon that will not required an endoscope or kidney biopsy. I know it is a lot to put your grey through, but IF it is required to save his life, it must be done if need be. Hoping and praying for the best for your grey.

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These birds all needed some one who cares and they found their way to you. I think that what ever the underlying cause is you and the Vet will both do your best to help him and that includes your love and compassion which cannot be undervalued. Ask your Vet if you can put some Milk Thistle into his diet to help detox and clean the Zinc from his system.

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CharlieLaw, I am so sorry you are going through this with Sydney. Try hard to keep positive for this little guy. When we lost our second baby to PDD, at that time there was not a test to rule out PDD. The more I have looked into it, it is controversial and very confusing. One of the questions I ask when any vet or doctor suggests more tests, I ask "What do you expect you can learn from this test and how will that change our course of treatment?" Ask what the statistics are for the test and what are the chances of a false negative. It helps a lot to accept a necessary test when you know why it is being suggested, what can be gained from it and how it will change the treatment plan. It also helps alleviate some of the fear and panic from our natural tendency to jump ahead with teh "what if". You can get the information and think about it for a day or two to help you get a little distance from the emotional aspects which will help you make the best choices for Sydney. I do know how it feels to be treating the second sick companion. It made me relive the illness and loss of the first one and put me in a panic. I had to keep reminding myself to just breathe and take one day at a time and not jump ahead of myself.

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I would ask the vet what protein you should feed Sydney. Plan on hand delivering it. I am sure Sydney is drinking alot for some reason, to help with the Zinc poisoning and protein problem. I don't quite comprehend the kidney biopsy. Ask your vet, what he is ruling out with the endoscopy and kidney. If checking for diabetes, it is a blood level check. When birds are malnourished, there is an acidosis vs alcolosis problem. I would ask for a chem 12 panel. That will include renal functions and blood sugar level.Birds are not that much different from humans, just more fragile.If your bird suddenly develops breathing problems.... take Sydney in right away. I would be curious what is PH level is. Nancy

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Thank you to everyone who responded to my message. I am still awaiting for vet to phone me with new zinc level results, but will be some of the questions to him. The problem is, he isn't a specialist, only has an interest which I know isn't the same. we don't have many avairy specialists in the UK, but would have to find one if we went ahead with the Kidney biopsy & endoscopy! Another thing that has worried me over the last few days, is that Sydney has been falling off his perch a bit? x

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Great post Steve. Seeing an avian specialist would certainly be the way to go. The falling off the perch is not a good sign. Did the vet say how calcium levels were? The reason I ask, is low levels can cause seizures and falling. I hope the zinc levels come back indicating a lower level. One thing you may try diet wise, would be to give him all the yogurt he would eat for a few days. This would help in clearing the digestive tract of any contaminants. Still hoping and prayer for the best.

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