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I want to cry


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For anyone that hasn't been following the past week Neytiri has an infected preening gland. Unfortunately she has taken to picking out all the down feathers. Tonight I noticed she's going at the backs of her legs now too. All the skin around her preening gland is very dry and crusty like. I'm putting aloe gel on her but I don't know what else to do. It breaks my heart to see her like this. We have another apt with the vet fri afternoon. I feel bad my little baby has to go through this.



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Calm down she will feel your stress on top of her own and this too should pass. I would begin misting her with aloe Vera juice as it is soothing. She is feeling some discomfort and the dried goo sticking to her feathers is uncomfortable as well as the infection so a good soaking should provide some comfort for her. Plain water will do if that is what is available now.

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Thanks. I'm going to try and give her a warm bath in the am before work. And then I will juice her. Lol.


I just thought that after the meds that she would stop the picking.


If you know anything about energy healing (reiki) I'm also doing that for her. Hopefully it will help as well.

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I think she feels you working towards helping her heal no matter what approach you take as long as you project calm and assurance that all will be well. She is fighting and injury and an infection the antibiotics will take a couple of days to kick in and make a noticeable difference. Hang in there you and we will send our best wishes and any healing energy we can muster.

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Deep breath! Your baby is getting great care from both you and your doctor. I do agree with just the water right now. It is just my experience with my pluckers that the plain old water does them best when they are irritated. We put water in the tub and put our shower on the mist setting and they just melt into it. Now, i am not saying aloe isn't good for them because it is, just that sometimes less is more! Get well soon!

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Bless her little heart, I want to cry for both of you. Friday just seems a long way off when you know she is uncomfortable. Hopefully she will get some relief and certainly when she does, you will also. Her plucking is a distress signal to you and you are paying attention and have it under control with the best help available to you through your vet. I have never heard of an infected preening gland so I will be learning about it from you as you get it treated.

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Omg. This am she was covered in blood. She chewed holes in side of tail. I cleaned her up and put cornstarch on it. Of course this is the worst timing with a major customer presentation today. Hubby who normally doesn't handle her said he would stay with her and take her to the vet. I will call them as soon as I get in the office.


I really just want to cry right now.

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I am so sorry to hear of the plucking increasing. The preen gland infection and skin crusting is no doubt irritating to her. I hope the avian vet has some good information on how to ease this until the infection and side affects subside.

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Poor dear Neytiri must be so distressed to have done that but sometimes it gets worse before it gets better, hope she gets thru this ordeal fast and you will do fine so quit worrying, please let us know when you find out something for we care.

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Hubby has her at the vet. They are putting on a cone or collar to prevent the picking so she can heal. (Hopefully only a week)


I plan on keeping the appt tomorrow with the main vet that saw her initially. She ended up flying to hubby for protection while they tried to put the collar on her.

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I bet your husband felt like a million bucks when she flew to him for protection. If it is anything like the relationship my husband has with Gilbert, he would have really really not wanted vet duty this morning. Fantastic he could get her in for an exam and although the collar is unpleasant for everyone, it will give her poor little preening gland and tail a chance to heal. Good that you have a long weekend to try to keep her occupied and keep an eye on it. Poor thing, it must itch like crazy and she doesn't understand all this. If one really good thing comes out of it after she heals, I hope it enhances your husband's role in her life along with yours.

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