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1 month celebration, and a question!


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We've had Lola for 1 month today!


Her talking has increased ten-fold. She is constantly mumbling to herself, and has several very clear words in her vocabulary! They include, "ok, WHAT(shouted at the top of her little birdie lungs), come on, Romeo, hello, no, ha ha ha, good boy, and Lola." Of course her "sounds are perfect. She can mimic the dogs whining and barking, every beep imaginable, she clucks, blows kisses, and does this very loud clucking sound that we really don't like, but deal with.


Oh and she knows how to cough and sneeze, because a spring cold went through the house and several of us got sick.


She is still only stepping up from her cage about 25% of the times that I ask her. I takes a peanut and a lot of "come on pretty girl" to eventually convince her to get out. Once she is away from her cage, she will step up 90% of the time when asked.


She lets me touch her almost every where, including her wings, toes and tail. She loves having her neck and face rubbed, and will sit on the couch and watch TV in my lap.


She has an outside cage under our gazebo, near the patio table, that she spends some time in when we are outside, and she actually steps up from her home cage. She's only used it a handful of times, but seems to enjoy it. Checks out all the new perches, and toys without restraint.


Still hates veggies. Only eats broccoli, and sweet potato, both steamed. She is a peanut fanatic.


So for a "terrible two's" rehomed grey, she's made great progress!


QUESTION: she "vomited" today. It wasn't violent, she didn't look distressed, and she didn't fling it all over the place. We were playing and being affectionate and She just pumped her neck and out popped a piece of almond that she had munched on earlier. Then she continued to talk, and play. Should I be worried? Is she sick? Too much almond?

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Here she is on her play stand image.jpg


She still just kind of perches on it, but she LOVES the piñata and destroyed it today. I must buy another!

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QUESTION: she "vomited" today. It wasn't violent, she didn't look distressed,

and she didn't fling it all over the place. We were playing and being

affectionate and She just pumped her neck and out popped a piece of almond that

she had munched on earlier. Then she continued to talk, and play. Should I be

worried? Is she sick? Too much almond?


No she is not sick, she was regurgitating for you which is a sign of affection, when she does this say "thank you but no thanks" because you don't want her doing this a lot, if she had flung her head while doing it that would be vomiting.

It sounds like she is doing very well but you need to work a little more on getting her to step up when asked, try a couple of practice sessions every day and soon she will be stepping up every time she is asked to.

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Judy is spot on in regards the regurge.


It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job of rehoming Lola. Her progress in interaction with you certainly shows that after only 1 month. Kudos to you for all you have and will continue to do with and for her. :)

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I'm glad she loves me enough to share, but I REALLY don't want that happening again. It was the strangest thing, she did it several times.


She isn't fond of anyone else in my family. She will take food from their hands, but often tries to bite when there is no food around. She has never broken skin, but her beak certainly can be intimidating. We are working on getting her to come around to them also.

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So many people talk about the regurge thing, is it bad Ive never seen Marco do this? I mean shes only lil over a year old but shes never even attempted that Ive seen... ?


Some greys never do this for their owners so don't feel left out, some people think it is gross to have a bird bring up their food and offer it to you but its one way they show affection, Marco just uses other means to show you she loves you.


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Some greys never do this for their owners so don't feel left out, some people think it is gross to have a bird bring up their food and offer it to you but its one way they show affection, Marco just uses other means to show you she loves you.



thanks for explaining that cuz everyone does say its their way of showing "love & affection" so I was like hey whats the deal im feeling left out lol Not that I would be thrilled to get that but yes she does show me affection lots of other ways like chewing holes in my curtains and pooping down the backside of my couch!!!!!!!!! lol

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At only one month into it, you are doing fantastic with step ups from the cage a fourth of the time. Gilbert has been with us more than two years and he will step up from his cage about 50% of the time to other family members but about 1/10 of 1% of the time for me. Yet off the cage, we have a 100% cooperation rate... you know, when I am cooperating with him. LOL. And I agree on the regurgitating. There is love, agape love that is brotherhood and family love and then there is "hunka burnin love" regurg love. Gilbert came in for the first couple of months with that and he was stepping up every time even off his cage. That is when I learned about the honeymoon period. When Gilbert offered me up a "saved" kidney bean in the beginning I would graciously thank him and say, I love ya buddy, but not that way and return him to his cage with a distraction so he didn't get any more "interested". I saw where that was going and it would end up with a frustrated parrot. Nothing to panic about or feel like it is horrible because it is just displaced affection and mixed signals. We were told not to pet down his back, to keep touching to head scratches or it might give the wrong signal as he was getting to know us.

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All sounds great! Practicing stepup, great progress! Also.... continue to expose your bird to the family. Play some games, that Lola has to stepup to the next person whose turn it is. As far as the regurg thing.... some see it as a sign of sexual aggression. I don't Sophie is 13 now, and has regured to me since she came home at the age of two. She wanted to " plant it in my mouth", but, she accepted putting it in my hand. I always thank her. Every weekend, I have one day for errands, cleaning etc. The other day.... is what I call " lazy day!". Sophie calls it " her day!" We hang, snuggle, watch movies, etc. True regurg day. I'm gonna get it after spending lots of quality time together.She can spend five to ten minutes getting ready to bring it up. I always receive it in my hand and thank her with kisses and pets. A very happy grey for her efforts and that " pot of gold", I hold in my hand.Nancy

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