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Hey everyone,


Joined up a few days ago and just getting the time to post. I have always loved birds. From a young age, I learned to take care of birds, my first pet was a parakeet named Polly. I owned a few more keets after that and when I was in my late teens, I got my first cockatiel. Her name was supposed to be Fawkes (after the Harry Potter phoenix) but my fiance at the time kept calling her Budgie, so the name stuck. About three years ago, I also rescued a Quaker Parrot named Frodo. I was told he was eight years old. Sadly, Budgie passed away very suddenly recently. She was a good girl and very much loved.


Budgie (RIP)








So, my flock consists of just Frodo for now. He is a smaller parrot with a huge personality. My fiance and I are in the infant stages of preparation for a CAG. We know we want one, but we are not quite ready for a baby just yet. We are saving money at the moment to get an apartment and are setting a fund aside for the grey. I heard that their noise levels vary from individual to individual, but I don't see a problem with neighboring apartments if we warn the residents beforehand of the bird and keep good relations with them. We have a breeder picked out, we are just waiting to get settled ourselves and build the fund up. At the rate we are going, we will likely have everything ready for our new addition come early next year. I know its early to be joining a community, but these forums have been so helpful that I wanted to chime in and say 'hi'. Better sooner than later I guess. ;)

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Hi Mizuki and welcome to the two of you to the grey forum.

It`s never too soon to learn about greys as they are awesome companions and you need to start them off on the right foot.

If you have questions just ask and we will be there.

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Welcome to another Ohioan!

Looking forward to hearing about your search for a new companion. Fodo is too cute.

As for your apartment, I think it will be much better to be up front with the landlord and make sure you get it in writting that it is OK to have two parrots.

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Hello and welcome! I'm sure noise levels do vary. Timber doesn't make a lot of unpleasant sounds or screams that would penetrate an apartment wall. He does whistle a lot. His speech is probably the same decibel level as a person's. No guarantees though! Good luck and God bless :)

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Hello Mizuki and welcome to our family.

Budgie was a precious little tiel, so sorry for you loss, I too have a tiel and they are wonderful companions.

Quakers are another bird with a lot of personality, thanks for sharing Frodo's picture with us.

As far as noise greys tend to be one of the quieter parrots so it should not be a problem with having an apartment and its good you are doing your research before you commit to owning one of these magnificient creatures so read thru the threads at your heart's content and you will be fine.

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welcome everyone is very helpful on here, Alfies not loud he talks a lot in fact his always chatting but not loud, don't know if I'm right but I think it depends on house hold, such as if there are children or loud music being played ect then they need to be loud to be heard

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Thank you. Frodo is very cute and I love him. ^_^


One of my fiances concerns is that the Grey would bond to me exclusively and not tolerate his touch at all. Usually I have known birds to be very 'one person' companions, though it wasn't true of Frodo when I first got him. Are they one person or can they adapt and accept another family member's affection? My fiance will be working five days out of the week, so the grey will see me more. What things can we do to have the baby be sociable to both of us?

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I definately think all greys are different I am definately Marcos perferred choice for companion but she does tolerate hubby and he doesnt give up and he talks to her and feeds her and carries her from perches round the house n stuff he puts her to bed at nite and gets her breakfast every morning but didnt hesitate to nip him pretty good the other nite as well. she hasnt nipped at me since bringing her home <knocks on wood> so I think they will accept others as long as the other person is patient and works with them as well :D :D she however does NOT like my adult sons lol

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Ahhh...Frodo has the foofy cheeks, I wanna squeeze...



Anyhow, our Greycie is 7mos and has been with us 4 of those months. She like both my wife and I. I work daily and am gone anywhere from 10-15 hours M-F then about half the weekend I'm gone too. She still loves to see me when I come in although her party favorite is my wife who is home with her daily. She dislikes my daughter and I think it's because my daughter harassed her a little in the beginning like she harrasses our cat. I finally broke my daughter of this but too late I'm afraid. We're busy repairing that relationship.

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