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Kevin ritson

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Avoid work. My big concern is what am I going to do with my birds. Leaving them in the hands of my 19yo is not exactly comforting.


My best vacation ever was spent:

- 4 weeks cycling the end-to-end trail in the U.K.

- Then we caught a ferry across the North Sea and spent the next three weeks cycling from Amsterdam to the Rhine and following that down into Stuttgart, Germany.


I didn't have birds at the time though...

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I have neighbors who are familiar with my little flock and family members who will watch them in a pinch. If you don't have family and friends to watch them, perhaps your pets' veterinarian could watch your companion(s) or have an idea of who is available.

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You might look to your avian vet for some do provide boarding services, you might have a family member who wouldn't mind coming in and taking care of your grey or maybe a local bird club might have some members who wouldn't mind taking yours in while you are away.

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I go nowhere.....don't trust anyone with 6 birds, 3 would be,fine, but my 3 larger ones would not do well. Nilah is being difficult to handle by anyone other than me theses days. Haven't had a holiday vacation in many many years....I got divorced, that was the best vacation, and I am still on it!

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I've had to travel on business three times in the past year since I got Timber. Hubby has been home though, so it hasn't been a problem. I would probably take Timber to my son/daughter-in-laws house if I planned on being gone long and Gary was going with me.

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I can usually have either my daughter or sister come in and feed and water my three. No one can let them out of the cages, so I try not to leave for more than an long weekend. Once I went on a cruise with my sister and daughter. That time I looked into taking them to another person's home. I did not like that idea at all once I saw her set up and heard her talk about what she did. Not that anything was really wrong, it just didn't set well with me. Go with your gut when this kind of thing happens. I finally hired a person to come in and take care of them and my dog at the time. It was a good experience. She over fed them though! LOL Better that than not enough. Everyone was fairly happy upon my return - that is after they were mad for about half a day!!

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That's the worse thing about it in my opinion, no out of cage time! Hubby doesn't let Timber out because he can't handle him and is afraid he won't be able to get him back in. To date, my longest time away was 3 days so it hasn't been bad. In June I'm going on a mission trip for nine days which will be longer. I'll have to work with Gary and Timber to see if he can't manage some out of cage time for him.

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Sometimes... you cant take them with! I've taken my birds to my groomer... discussed they " don;'t have a closed cage policy". It can be a problem. Need to be on the play gym and exposed to people. I had " requests" to adopt them from other people. He was obligated to let me know! It was beyond my comfort zone, although they had a ball. Next I had Ryan's friend, who basically grew up with Sophie, care for her. She learned the word " shit", in a week. BAD Jeffrey! Sophie and gang, have a clean mouth. Next, Sophie loved the autistic teenager that cuts my grass. He is highly functional, and Sophie loved him the moment she met him. His parents were agreeable to help him daily. ( the mom was my kids teacher in elementary school). It worked out and Sophie fell in love with the dad and vice versa. I will plan on Sean to take care of Sophie and gang again, as long as parents are involved.

Talon... you need a vacation! Find someone you trust.... have another friend check on the situation daily. I was the " caregiver" for my friends birds. She had over ten cages, didn't know a thing about birds, but we took care of all of them.( she was desperate and gone for two days). She left instructions in front of each cage. We did good, until we saw a note.... " Don't touch this bird", left him enough seed for two days, if you can't feed or change his water, don't worry. He will be fine!Well I KNEW this bird! Everytime I was over, he was on his mamas shoulder! We became friends, as he wanted out.When she came home, her baby was on my shoulder.LOL! Nancy

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