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Escher's settling in


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I've read in a lot of different places about greys playing on the bottom of their cages but Escher wouldn't. I put toys down there and he wouldn't touch them. I was a little worried. Well yesterday and this morning I found him playing on the bottom of his cage, as soon as he saw me he climbed up to a perch. So I guess he's comfortable with us. He also started climbing out of his cage on his own, which is good since he has started lunging at our fingers when we reach in the cage for him.

We've had him almost 7weeks, he's 11months old and he is starting to chatter all the time. He was stuck on the dogs name, so for three days all he would say was Bowz or Bowsey, we couldn't get him to say much else. Yesterday he was chattering up a storm, couldn't understand most of it, and only said Bowsey when I got near the sliding door. But one of the best things he did was laugh. It was like a little kid with the giggles. It made me laugh which just made him laugh more, we had so much fun but of course as soon as I started to video him he stopped.

His switch from fruitblend pellets to natural pellets is going well. Yesterday he ate the natural ones and left the fruit ones.

He still wants to snuggle every night for a couple of minutes. Sunday he was in his cage and started doing this loud scream that he had never done before I ran in the room and he was fine, looks like he has a new flock call. Last night we started working on soft noise. He understands "no" so when he makes the loud noise I'd say "no, soft" when he'd call softer he'd get a treat or head scritches.

I believe he is settling in well and we are enjoying him sooooo much.

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He feels more vulnerable on the bottom of the cage hence he comes up when you enter the room. Always allow him to come out of the cage on his own as some greys can be cage aggressive, they view their cage as their safety zone and do not like the intrusion of hands.

My grey cracks me up sometimes when she imitates my laugh, it is so funny to hear yourself laugh coming out of a bird's beak.

It sounds like Escher is settling in nicely and so glad you are enjoying your new companion.

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