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Hi, just joined after being a lurker for a few days. I'm in South Africa, I have had birds my whole life. MY WHOLE LIFE!!! So i tend to really appreciate them. Anyway I have 4.

Firstly, a green ringneck. Jackie. I've had her for 11 years now. She's a complete princess with a serious attitude! But she gets on with me. Most of the time. :D

Second, there's Coco, a common Starling. I found him one night on the floor. At a local mall. He was just lying there almost lifeless on that very stormy night. I couldn't just leave him. So I took him home and fed him and looked after him for a few days. Then tried to set him free. But he would just run back to me! So he stayed.

Third is Milo, a common Indian Mynah. He was given to me by someone who found him as a hatchling. At first I didn't want to take him as I already had two birds. But thank goodness I did! This little mynah cannot stop talking!!! And he learns really quick! He'll give any bird a run for their money with his speech and his ability to associate words with certain situations! Amazing Mynah!

And last, but not least, my most recent addition. Cheeky. An African Grey. I adopted her from a friend who could no longer look after her. She's about 10 years old. I've had her for just over a year now. And she wasn't named Cheeky for nothing!


I'll post some pics later.


By the way, I like the A Parrot's Bill of Right's! Very true! If only more people knew.

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This is the only one I have now. All the others are on my One X at home. I didn't move all my stuff to my S4 yet (I am a tech person :-D).




That's Cheeks wondering "Maybe if I look at him sideways, he'll be better looking? No, not working..." :-D

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Wow you have quiet a variety and an interesting household, I can imagine. When Cheeky was looking askew was she just trying to get you to "straighten up"? Silly cheeky parrot. Thanks for joining us, I love your introduction and am interested in learning more about your flock.

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Hello GC and welcome to our family.

It looks like you have quite a flock and they all sound like fun, love the grey's name, I just bet she is Cheeky.

She looks beautiful from the picture you shared with us, I love how she is standing. Would love to see some pictures of your other birds, we have an other birds room where you may share them if you like.

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