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Oklahoma Tornadoes


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Hi all. As you can tell from my screen name, I live in Oklahoma. For the past two days we have been hit hard. For those of us in "Tornado Alley", days like these are not uncommon in the spring. I am a teacher, and we decided to dismiss school after lunch, so that our students could get home and be in a safe place tuned into the news. I live in an upstairs condo, so Gracie and I decided to spend the last two nights at my parents' home which is more well-built. We cleared out two interior closets, one for my parents, and one for me, Gracie, and Barkleah the dog. Thankfully, my town was spared, but just over an hour down the road people have been devastated. I write to ask for your prayers for the people caught in the storm. I write to say that times like these put life into perspective. Whatever bumps in the road this forum has encountered in recent days, let's just love each other and remember how precious life is. Bless you all.

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I am glad your family are okay. We lived in Tornado Alley for almost a decade and have loved ones in the path of the storm and it is excruciating to wait to hear from each of them and to know that even if all ours are safe, someone else family is forever changed.

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Hi all. As you can tell from my screen name, I live in Oklahoma. For the past two days we have been hit hard. For those of us in "Tornado Alley", days like these are not uncommon in the spring. I am a teacher, and we decided to dismiss school after lunch, so that our students could get home and be in a safe place tuned into the news. I live in an upstairs condo, so Gracie and I decided to spend the last two nights at my parents' home which is more well-built. We cleared out two interior closets, one for my parents, and one for me, Gracie, and Barkleah the dog. Thankfully, my town was spared, but just over an hour down the road people have been devastated. I write to ask for your prayers for the people caught in the storm. I write to say that times like these put life into perspective. Whatever bumps in the road this forum has encountered in recent days, let's just love each other and remember how precious life is. Bless you all.


Exactly Jeff, it does show how precious life is and that we can be here one second and gone the next, my thoughts and prayers go out to those affected, makes me count my blessings for my mountains I live in.


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My sister and her family all live in the OKC area so I watched with trepidation last night on the Tropical Weather Blog. Eeerie watching that storm curl into the tornadic hook and knowing there is no way to help those in the path at that time. When you see that debris ball form on radar you know it is devastating. My heart goes out to all those in the storms path and to those who are dealing with the rescue and recovery. Very happy you are safe Jeff!

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Prayers and thoughts from the UK going out to the people in Oklahoma. We don't get storms here on this scale and I'm somewhat pleased about that, I don't think you can comprehend something like this unless you witness it for yourself and I never want to come that close. Let's hope the worst is now over.

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