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Jelly bean update


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Beautiful pics. Gracie didn't start getting "exploratory" until about a year old. Sounds like he is very confident. As far as your contact call, it will come. It may just end up being a sentence, "I'm here, where are you?" I agree with your description of things= amazing! Believe it or not, it will get even more amazing.

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Thank you Guys for your support.

Yes, this is just the beginning and I can't even imagine our relationship in 10 years or so. And yes, I live to please him. They have their ways, don't they?

We are on day 103 of 270, or so with my husband being stationed in Afghanistan. I managed to re-home two parakeets ( I loved them, but one of my friends really wanted them and I saw a chance ), one dog (trust me he is better off; more attention, single dog, no screaming Mommy), and one lap top.

I was contemplating taking in another bird, but everything I see is about money.

It just has to fit and so far....no.

Also JB is still giving me hell every once in a while.

BUT, we are getting to know each other more every day!

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