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Are you hungry?


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It is good to have those videos not only to keep from pinching yourself to see if it's real, but to look back later and mark her progress. I still can't get Gilbert on video and can barely get a picture of him from across the room. Good job to have Marco on video and to share with us. It's just precious to hear her speaking in full sentences.

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LOL well ... poor baby has been on video since she was 6weeks old so I think shes pretty relaxed on it however I say but if I get TOO close to her with the cam, she'll crawl down from her high perch and wanna eat it in my hands and not talk as much so when I sit back on the couch "near her" she just rambles on! Its pretty funny she had me just giggling.


It is truly amazing at all the progress shes made. Every day seems shes doing something new, into something new, discovering something new. :D I like it.


So she has mastered peekaboo, are you hungry?, hello, whatcha doing? and want some dinner lol ... obviously all the things I have said to her now for the year we've had her and its just a joy to see that they have stuck in her lil brain and shes now saying them back ... I truly expect to hear "get in your box" which we say to the dogs ALLLLL the time very soon too HAHAHAHAHAH :D :D :D


Gosh just love that dang bird!

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And the new words will just keep coming and coming.

she actually added "girl" to that phrase last nite ... so when I got home she asked me are you hungry girl? I think becuz Im always asking her before dinner time, if she is that she just threw it all together.

simply amazing if you ask me :D

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when I think about it ... shes actually formed an entire sentence now. It seems like she'll stick with something for like a week solid over and over 100 times a day then as fast as it shows up, she'll stop using it and go onto the next thing. Right now its What you doing and Are you hungry. She has stopped saying hello and peek a boo but shes definately practicing her name now which is really fun to listen too. And the different voices shes using is just mind boggling.

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She uses different voices as well? Very cool! Dayo is a one voice grey.... mine. Poor wife does know if it's me or Dayo talking. But in your case, it sounds like you could think two others in your household are having a conversion that makes no sense. :P

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Well ... Im not exactly sure when she says "Marco" its a really deep voice ..my kids says shes possessed when she says it *laffs* but when shes saying Whatcha doing or are ya hungry its a totally different voice ... I will try to catch the changes and show ya...


I remember watching that one vid of dayo and I totallllllllly thought it was you hahahahah... I had to watch it like 4 times ... :rolleyes: before I caught on!


I dont think her voice sounds like "anyones" perhaps mine is the closest since I talk to her the most! I swore she said clear as a bell "wake up F***er* the other day ... :eek: and I almost fell off the couch and course I played like I didnt even hear it and didnt acknowledge it ... I sure hope I heard wrong!!!!!


Its probably a good thing my sons are moving out of the house before they completely trash her vocabulary!

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I dont think her voice sounds like "anyones" perhaps mine is the closest since I talk to her the most! I swore she said clear as a bell "wake up F***er* the other day ... :eek: and I almost fell off the couch and course I played like I didnt even hear it and didnt acknowledge it ... I sure hope I heard wrong!!!!! Its probably a good thing my sons are moving out of the house before they completely trash her vocabulary!


LOL! You have got to get a video of this!!! Just Beep out the Cuss word. :P

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I can relate to your posts. When we first get a grey, I'm sure we all wonder whether they will be talkers or not. We wait for months. We bond and love them so much that we don't care anymore if they ever say one word. Then all of sudden it starts....then it just explodes. Gracie went from a 7-word vocabulary at 11 months to a 25-word vocabulary at 13 months to a current vocabulary of more than 170 words at 22 months. If it were just mindless mimicking, I think it might wear on me, but with greys words are tools and have meaning and they bond us together. I'm sure you will be posting more amazing things in the weeks and months to come, and I look forward to hearing about them all.

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You gotta watch those teenagers and their vocabularies! LOL! Sophie has had to deal with many teenagers in our household! Wrestling team, etc. I promised anyone that taught Sophie a bad word, they would be at my house, cleaning a cage! My kids knew I meant it, so they have always been careful with their mouths around Sophie. " SH.." was the worse she learned, and forgot it within a week Nancy

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