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Foam Beads

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I've found that both my cag and b&g prefer to chew on twigs/limbs from live trees. Dead limbs/twigs are chewed to bits in a matter of seconds, whereas live ones hold up for a bit longer. Limbs from hickory, oak and dogwood are the ones I use the most. My b&g likes to skin the bark off populars also. My birds hardly ever chew on toys anymore preffering to use them to scratch their backs and hang upside down from them. Pencil size for the cag and sharpie size for Nesta are what I offer to them free choice in a bowl. Best of all, the price is right and you know there is no preservatives or arsenic. Here's Echo doing what she does best.

The girls 016.jpg

The girls 017.jpg

Edited by Augustus
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I would not let them have foam i just dont feel like its safe especially if they should swallow some. i lost my little red flank lorikeet last year due to something similar to this. I had no idea he was eating the stuff i thought it was on the bottom of the cage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with carolz7.I don't know alot about toys to chew, but I'm pretty good with eliminating toys that I don't think are safe.About to buy new toys at end of June, July. Wingy has offered me some suggestions. Does anyone else have any ideas? Sunny loves anything with a mirror or bell. Kiki seeks destructions. Sophie LOVES to shred. Nancy

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