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What do you find intriguing about parrots

Ray P

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I am posting this in the amazon room because it was Cricket that made me realize something I knew for many years.

Some people find the colorful feathers of many species as intriguing.

Some people find the majestic look and intelligence of a grey as intriguing.

Others find the clownish acts of many of our parrot species intriguing.

The one thing I found intriguing with all my parrots is their eyes.

For many years, more years than I want to count, I would just sit with my birds and just look at them for long periods of time and I would be drown to their eyes and I would always feel a comfortable feeling as I sat there and looked at them.

As you know from my stories about Cricket she came with issues and I did not have much expectations of her ever being a family companion.

She is an awesome looking Blue Fronted Amazon and I would find myself looking at her and being drawn to her eyes. Again like with all my birds I felt like I was being drawn, but there was more, I felt like I was drawn in to her soul so I could see what she was really like.

Well I was wrong, I was not drawn in, Cricket invited in to share her soul and there was this gentle being in there that gave me comfort, and than I had this feeling she was looking back and into my soul

To peek into the soul of your parrot is something you will never match.

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My first experience with a parrot was "accidental" and I was smitten and drawn in by her ability and desire to communicate with us. She didn't talk, but she certainly had her own will and could find creative ways to let us know what she wanted. Also, she challenged me in ways no other companion has in order to keep up with her energy and curiousity. Now that we have been together longer, I am watching her eyes, as well as Gilbert's and you are right Ray, they are a window into our own soul. Of course they are also close to that sharp and pointy beak too. LOL. Good thread for some thoughtful consideration into what our two parrots mean to each member of our family.

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I agree Ray, thier eyes are so deep and just calling to us. But when I sit and a free flying TAG and Sun Conure land on me and want to play - I can not help but think this is the way God intended it to be. My own little Garden of Eden.

Edited by Brat Birds
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I believe I have said many times how Louie, the zon's eyes are laughing. He has the most communicative eyes I have every seem. He tries with all his heart and soul to do as I ask and understand what this crazy old lady "really" wants. Big warm dark brown eyes, so beautiful and so telling. Spending time with a zon is quite interesting for sure.

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I find thier eyes to be like looking into a kind soul, one that is you firned no matter hwat. They dont judge you, talk about you, or put on airs, they are their authentic selve and allow you to be as well. You will never find that in a friend or family member...but a parrot you will.

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A different perspective on this topic:


I grew up on a cattle ranch in Northern NM and had a cattleman as a father, therefore we learned to shoot varmits. I blasted everything: skunks, coyotes, stray dogs, cats and most of all prairie dogs. I must have over a thousand prairie dog kills. When I was probably 8 or so, I remember shooting a bird out of a tree and watching it fall to the ground. When I got to it, there was this little feathery limp body and I felt horrible. It was different than blasting a prairie dog. I was never the same after that. For some reason just shooting a bird for the hell of it didn't sit well with me. Later on I got to where I couldn't shoot anything but it started with that little bird. There was something I remember feeling about that bird but can't quite put my finger on it.


On another front, I never quite feel the same about my other pets as I do my birds. I love my dogs but they just don't have that deep connection. Even my GCC who we all joke only has three brain cells to rub together I seem to be drawn to more than any of the other critters. This has always puzzled me because birds are so different from us, from the feathers, to the type of skin they have, their beaks etc....


My wife would argue there's nothing like a horse but I grew up hating horses, and cattle and anything that had to do with being a slave on a cattle ranch.

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