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Tried to post pictures

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Hi every one

Thanks so much for all your welcome posts.

I have tried to put some pics of Earl put can't figure it out.

I will wait till my kids wake up and see if they can do it for me lol.

I do have a quick question for every one.

Since i bought Earl home I have been sleeping him in the small cat cage I bought him home in, because he fell off his perch the first night and i got such a fright. He really seems to like it in there, im thinking its because it feels safe and secure.

I get up at 5.30 am and put him back in his big cage.

I'm wondering when/ if I should try him back in his big cage for the night.

I have no trouble putting him to sleep in the small cage at night i just dont want to do any thing wrong lol.

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If you set up a Photobucket account, that is the easiest to post photos with. You can click on the img code and copy and paste it here in your posts.


As for the sleep cage, if he likes it, continue to use it. They don't need a big cage to sleep in. I have a tag that has a sleep cage and she really enjoys it. She suffers from night frights so I keep a towel in the bottom for those times...and a night light next to her cage although I cover it also.

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If Earl likes the sleep cage, I wouldn't see any downside to letting him sleep in it. It gives you the option of putting him to bed in a quiet place if there is late night activity in the room where his main cage is located. It also gives him a predictable routine at bed time and that is good. It also gives him the idea his roost cage is a safe and cozy place. If that is going to service as his travel cage, it will help him to have good experiences associated with it because when you take him to the vet, you will use it and he will dive right into it after an exam etc. If he likes it and goes in there to sleep and you like it and it serves you well, I can't think of any reason why it would be wrong. When I had a new baby I wondered if I was going to do something wrong and "break" him.

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Hi every one

Thanks so much for all your welcome posts.

I have tried to put some pics of Earl put can't figure it out.

I will wait till my kids wake up and see if they can do it for me lol.

I do have a quick question for every one.

Since i bought Earl home I have been sleeping him in the small cat cage I bought him home in, because he fell off his perch the first night and i got such a fright. He really seems to like it in there, im thinking its because it feels safe and secure.

I get up at 5.30 am and put him back in his big cage.

I'm wondering when/ if I should try him back in his big cage for the night.

I have no trouble putting him to sleep in the small cage at night i just dont want to do any thing wrong lol.


Hi Suzette, I think the sleep cage is a good idea, I got my baby home last sunday. At the breeder he was kept in a plastic box, so his big cage here was all new. He wasnt able to perch last week, but now he does, and he is able to climb on the side of the cage (big change in 1 week). As for the sleeping arrangement, hi has 2 perches very low, close to the bottom of the cage, thats where he stays most of the day and sleeps. At night I put a small towell on the floor just in front of his perch, so when he perches and sleeps, he can relax his front on the towel. He looks very cosy and comfy during his sleep and he seems to like it. I guess it will be a while before I raise the perches, but there is no hurry at all.


As for the photos, normally there is an attach icon (when you reply to a post, you have to click on Go Advanced and you find it)

Once you click this attach icon, another window opens

On the top you can find Add Files with a green little +

Once you click that, you have to click on select files down

Once you select files, you click on upload

Give it a while (it takes few seconds), then the photos will appear in a thumbnail size.

You can select the ones you want and down you click on Insert attachment or Insert inline

This way the photos are attached


Hope this was clear, but please dont hesitate to ask if it doesnt work

Good luck uploading photos and we look forward to them :)

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