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Escher has a new sentence


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For the past couple of days Esher hasn't wanted to come out of his cage and if I said step up he lunged at my fingers. I could give him head scritches but that was it. I changed his pellets and i think it made him mad. Today he is out of his cage and talking up a storm. He's still stuck on the dogs name. Well Bowser and I were going out on the balcony and Escher said clear as a bell "Bowsey you coming?" Then said "maybe". It was just so darn cute.

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Don't you just love those moment when you have to wonder if you imagined what he just said or if it is real? Sometimes we don't hear it again for a confirmation, but it is such a funny thing to hear what they are thinking. Esher is just as cute as he can be.

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I always lose! :o


Steve (n Misty)


The grey always comes out on top.


Jakes arguments with me surround his demand for pork chops or peanuts so I do win that initial argument but since I usually offer something else I am left to wonder if I have been hoodwinked.

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