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First Banana

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Another visit today :-) He/she had her first Banana today, needless to say he loved it!!

Is it ok for them to eat the peels?? I was worried about it but the staff said it wouldn't hurt him/her.

You can see his/her brothers and sisters in the background completely jealous of his banana lol of course they got some before I left :-)






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Thank you you :-). I am trying to think of what to bring him/her next, are they to young for peppers???? My sisters eclectus LOVES peppers lol. He/she was making little warbbeling sounds that were so cute!

Edited by greyday87
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Every time I see threads with new babies, I am enthralled all over again. There is nothing like that introduction to your baby and the anticipation and hopes and dreams of bringing this little one into your life. I'm with Dan, I get the flutter in my soul that says "DO IT!!". LOL. It wouldn't be good for Gilbert, so I will take all that cuteness vicariously from your forum posts as you bring him home and bond with him (or her) and imagine Gilbert as a baby long ago. That is my secret weapon to living with the complex slow process of building trust with a rehomed fellow on an off day. Give that baby your heart, you won't regret it.

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