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(not so good) News from bird club meeting.


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To anyone who may be interested or concerned. The term "tranny" is widely know to be a homophobic epithet. A senior member has used it several times in this thread to address myself. As a personal rule, I will not abide hate speech, be it based on nationality, race, sexual orientation, or any other criteria. I do not believe I've ever needed anyone to "stand up for me" nor have I the sense of a "position" other than expecting and upholding the standards of respectful engagement. I feel that that is not a value shared here, and thus I take leave. I wish you and your birds all well.

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To anyone who may be interested or concerned. The term "tranny" is widely know to be a homophobic epithet. A senior member has used it several times in this thread to address myself. As a personal rule, I will not abide hate speech, be it based on nationality, race, sexual orientation, or any other criteria. I do not believe I've ever needed anyone to "stand up for me" nor have I the sense of a "position" other than expecting and upholding the standards of respectful engagement. I feel that that is not a value shared here, and thus I take leave. I wish you and your birds all well.



I apologise. The word I used wasn't meant to have anything to do concerning your sexual preferences. It was simply a short version for your username. Personally, I have no interest in a person's preferences.

Edited by Dave007
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Again, to all concerned, I joined this forum to talk about birds and have a little bit of fun. My intent in anything that could be perceived as a "challenge" was to acknowledge what I've observed as a pattern of alienating users, to which I'd personally borne the brunt on a notable occasion. I spend my time doing things that I find enjoyable, I spend it by choice. Given what I've seen as a "shoot from the hip, edit later to make 'more respectful or socially acceptable'" pattern by some of the senior members especially to new members, I called it out. I think it's best that I leave, that's my choice. Whether it was intentional or not, a personal line of mine was crossed by a senior member, and I've decided to walk. The grey world's none the worse for it, and I wish everyone the best.

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Your full of it!!!!!!!!!!! Stand up like a man, stick up for those who supported you. You nor any body else has the right to put words in anybody's mouth. Bite the bullet and support the people who backed you, their waiting, you took my job, fulfill it.


This doesn't seem like a forum that supports anyone.

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Male hormones-they have that urge to fix things and they both mean the best I think just words get in the way. All for Greys and Greys for us, we can agree that none of us want anything but the best for this bird. Wild caught or just scared and has baggage either one can be worked with and a happy bird is the goal in the end we each have to forge our own path and some times we have to make those decisions for these feathered lives. So think things through, read all the advice offered calmly and then just talk to your bird. Sounds silly but I think it may help you with any decisions you may make, after all his life is in your hands.

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I guess I'm just too old, I still believe in sticking up and supporting those

I care about like the members of this forum. Don't worry about me I won't

criticize or even offer help again.....Jay


Can this just be the end of it, I mean please.

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I thought this was a forum about Greys but it is sad that some valued contributors seem dead set on taking offence when none is intended. Trancework please don't go. The forum will be poorer without you. We are all a bit like our Greys and might nip without meaning ill will. Just a sudden rush of blood to the head. Some of us might rag each other once in a while but ultimately we are all friends with a common love.


Steve n Misty

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The following quote should be addressed to each of us:


I'm editing this post. I have no right to subject members to my emotions. Trancesworks has a right to speak his mind. My feelings are the same, I'm just not going to force them unto anyone.


It is certainly a shame that Earthchild was unable to get the help needed with making a big decision for a newly acquired older grey.


I hope this foolish bicker is now really over. Please try to remember why we are all here. For the love of our greys.

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The following quote should be addressed to each of us:




It is certainly a shame that Earthchild was unable to get the help needed with making a big decision for a newly acquired older grey.


I hope this foolish bicker is now really over. Please try to remember why we are all here. For the love of our greys.



YES, make this the end of this bickering nonsense, Consider this the only warning, STAY ON TOPIC please or I will be locking this thread.



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I am so sorry, this is not what I intended to happen when I started this post. To anyone who had trouble for this I'm sorry. I love this forum. I have been using it as reference long before Irwin even came into my life, and I still plan to. I love all of the wisdom that is shared and the fact that people are so willing to help everyone else, and the love of the birds. Thank you everyone for all of your advice.


Back on topic: The very good man from my local bird club came to visit us and it turns out (we're blind) there is a number on Irwin's leg band, it's FLE992. He told us that from the condition of his beak and feet he is not as old as he thought and is probably 6-8 like we were told. The band is open, but I researched it and found out that can also just mean that it was put on later in life. He offered us a trade in case we wanted something more suited for our low experience level, but we love Irwin a lot and we said no thanks. Other than that he said there is absolutely nothing wrong with my bird and he just needs time, which we have a lot of. We plan to keep working with him as we have been every day. We sing to him, play guitar for him, talk to him, and even have a special chair set up next to his cage to get him used to us.



Also for anyone concerned, Irwin is not a test subject. He's a happy, talking, dancing pet bird in my living room. I probably didn't give that post the best title, the "tests" are more enrichment for him (toys), and me too really since animal cognition is my favorite area of study.

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Whether Irwin is 30, or five, it really doesn't matter! You learn what he has learned. Decide what behavior is good, what is bad. Make a list. Work on it together! If I can take a bird that was out of forever homes, a bird that was probally around 20, that would attack people's jugular, and teach him within a month, this is not acceptable behavior, anyone can do it! Sunny was my first bird. It doesnt matter their age. All birds are trainable. Its just about trust. Nancy

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I am so sorry, this is not what I intended to happen when I started this post. To anyone who had trouble for this I'm sorry. I love this forum. I have been using it as reference long before Irwin even came into my life, and I still plan to. I love all of the wisdom that is shared and the fact that people are so willing to help everyone else, and the love of the birds. Thank you everyone for all of your advice.


Back on topic: The very good man from my local bird club came to visit us and it turns out (we're blind) there is a number on Irwin's leg band, it's FLE992. He told us that from the condition of his beak and feet he is not as old as he thought and is probably 6-8 like we were told. The band is open, but I researched it and found out that can also just mean that it was put on later in life. He offered us a trade in case we wanted something more suited for our low experience level, but we love Irwin a lot and we said no thanks. Other than that he said there is absolutely nothing wrong with my bird and he just needs time, which we have a lot of. We plan to keep working with him as we have been every day. We sing to him, play guitar for him, talk to him, and even have a special chair set up next to his cage to get him used to us.



Also for anyone concerned, Irwin is not a test subject. He's a happy, talking, dancing pet bird in my living room. I probably didn't give that post the best title, the "tests" are more enrichment for him (toys), and me too really since animal cognition is my favorite area of study.


That's why I asked about the opening in the band. Bands like that are put on birds that are usually what's called batch birds meaning that there's a large group to be sold and IDs are put on the legs of all the birds.

In case you're interested, in 1992 the US made it against the law concerning importing and exporting birds so I doubt that your bird is any type of wild caught bird. You haven

t had the bird for a long time and training isn't that hard. It just takes longer. I hope you enjoy your bird and I'd like to personally give my apologies for all the craziness that happened. It was a huge misunderstanding and because none of us are perfect, these types of things do happen. We hope you stay here and we'll always try to give sound help and advice.

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Earthchild - Never be sorry for asking opinions. You had no control over other people highjacking this thread in to a slug out. Thanks you so much for responding. I thought we had lost you. It is wonderful to hear the updated news and that you are going forward in working with Irwin. :) :) :) Kudos to you!!!!!

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That's why I asked about the opening in the band. Bands like that are put on birds that are usually what's called batch birds meaning that there's a large group to be sold and IDs are put on the legs of all the birds.

In case you're interested, in 1992 the US made it against the law concerning importing and exporting birds so I doubt that your bird is any type of wild caught bird. You haven

t had the bird for a long time and training isn't that hard. It just takes longer. I hope you enjoy your bird and I'd like to personally give my apologies for all the craziness that happened. It was a huge misunderstanding and because none of us are perfect, these types of things do happen. We hope you stay here and we'll always try to give sound help and advice.


That is why my friend from bird club thought he was older, he thought he was brought in before the ban. After he saw how young Irwin is he said he's not a pre-ban bird. (I'm not sure if the wording on that makes any sense) And it doesn't matter how old he is, I don't want to get rid of him. I was just asking if anyone thought he would be happier as a breeder which was a silly question in the first place.

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That is why my friend from bird club thought he was older, he thought he was brought in before the ban. After he saw how young Irwin is he said he's not a pre-ban bird. (I'm not sure if the wording on that makes any sense) And it doesn't matter how old he is, I don't want to get rid of him. I was just asking if anyone thought he would be happier as a breeder which was a silly question in the first place.


A question is only silly or minor if it's not asked.

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Great news Earthchild look forward to a very hearing progress, one thing I'm starting to understand is its not all about the bird learning a lot is about us changing our way of thinking, its a whole new world

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I just found this while researching. Is this outdated?


second to last paragraph


That is the official USDA site and it seems was last updated in 2007. The leg band is in the correct format for pre 1992 imported birds. As Dave said though, a breeder could have used that leg band up to years after importing was allowed.

Edited by danmcq
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I'm glad you're meeting Irwin where he is and taking it from there. Just sitting by his cage, like you mentioned you are doing, is great. You can slyly observe each other! Look for signs of increasing comfort. Is he willing to move closer to you as long as the safety of the bars are between you? With Dorian, he started sitting at the far end of his cage and gradully moved closer. To tempt him, I put a 'treat' bowl near where I sat on the inside of his cage and started droping a treat in it. At first he would wait until I got up out of the chair and moved away to retrieve it. Then he would "run" across the cage, grab it and run away to eat it. Then he'd relax enough to stay closer to me for his snack. I always let his body language tell me when he was ready for the next step. We eventually got to the point of taking a treat from my fingers, which was a leap of faith for both of us! I spent 2 years sitting by his cage in a less-than-comfortable chair, waiting for Dorian to trust me. Keep track in a journal of your starting point. After a few months of incremental progress you'll look back and realize how far you've come. The hardest thing about having a rescue is comparing our birds to the fids that were gotten as babies. Just remember, those milestones we have to work hardest for mean the most. <3

Edited by Acappella
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