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Greywings gives you excellant advice. MY 3 parrots each have one of those corner shelves. I do wrap it completely in vet wrap so it is more comfy to stand on. Easy to replace it when needed, but more of a shelve than a hard wire one.

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Down feathers are ok and may be just because it is nearing summer time and both my birds are dropping down feathers through out the day. In regards sleeping on the water bowl, maybe it's more comfotable right now? Where does she normally sleep? Now the bottom of the cage would alarm me as well as you I suspect. But, ultimately you know her and we do not. If you suspect she is in need of seeing your avian vet again to ensure she is ok, then I would certainly recommend getting in to see them.


She's normally at the very top of the cage in the arched section. So on the water bowl is about 2/3 down for her. Last night se was on the normal perch when I went to bed and when's checked on her in the am via the camera she was on the water bowl. Maybe the medicine is making her really thirsty.


What concerns me about the down feathers is that she's ripping them out. I can actually hear them tearing. Not a sound I really want to hear.


I'm giving frequent baths and using aloe gel on anything raw looking. I'm thinking of spraying her down with aloe juice tonight to see if that helps. I really don't want her creating a bad habit.

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Oh! Ripping obviously is not good. It sounds like your taking the right actions with the Aloe Gel with the irritated area, the misting with 100% Aloe juice well help as well. Maybe just use it rather than bathing with water more than 2x's a week which can dry the skin too much. I would recommend calling your avian vet and see if this is possibly a reaction to the meds? I know you did say your grey had previously taken the same meds with no ill affects

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She started ripping the down out prior to the meds. Also I was told to do the daily baths and hot packs to treat the gland. I'm trying to monitor the best I can where and when she's picking. And see if its letting up at all.

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How is the preen gland looking now after a few days? The plucking is from a different issue it seems, unless the preen gland was bothering her previous to being discovered (suspected). I have no doubt you are doing the best you can and kudo's to you. We all fret over our greys and members greys here as well. Just like we would over a human child having or exhibiting some type of symptoms of possible illness. :)

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The gland isn't as red and angry looking but it's still very hard (not sure if it should be soft and mushy or not) I think it is also still painful for her as she screams when I get near it.


She started picking at the feathers a few days before I noticed the issue with the gland. I was informed that is a normal response to pick at the outside of where something is bothering them on the inside. I am noticing her preening normally more often. Which I hadn't seen her doing. ( I will be watching for that again in the future) the good part is that it doesn't appear that she's pulling any actual feathers just the down. But it still worries me. In a couple days I have to call and give the vet a progress report before seeing him next week.

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I think you have hit on why she is picking at those feathers, it is a sign that something is bothering her, the preen gland and I think when the infection clears up so will the picking but if you have any doubts at all just give your avain vet a call, nothing like hearing it from the horse's mouth and we aren't vets. I hope it clears up soon.

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