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A baby thing...


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Its really an awesome experience to have a baby grey. So different from having an adult one. I got my first grey when he was 2.5 years old and I didnt get to experience all the little stuff that we take for granted.

Today Pookie went up on his perch (which I kept very close to the bottom of the cage) alone. It is something new he wasnt able to do in the past 2 days.


Little stuff, like how an older grey catch things with their talons...the baby doesnt know how to do it. Pookie was trying to play with a little bell and he tried to balance on one foot and use the other to help himself catch the hanging bell, but his little talon doesnt know how to grab stuff yet...


I gave him a small peace of shredded almond, he was trying to break it, and it wasnt easy but he finally did it....


All this little stuff are so normal for a bigger grey and it amazes me to see the small one learning to do it... It is really so so cute that I couldnt but share it with you...


Here is a photo of him standing (for the first time) on the perch :)

DSC_3994 (Large).jpg

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Enjoy the journey. It is wonderful to see them grow and mature and become themselves over time. I got my grey as a baby and although she is just 22 months now, it seems like we have gone through so many stages already. More to come! It is an adventure. Thanks for the update. Cute pic.

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It is fun to watch them grow and mature into their own personality, I have had Josey since she was a little over 4 months and she will be 7 years old this month, it has been a journey and an experience to see her mature into the beauty she is now, I look forward to sharing many more years with her.

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Little things can mean a lot...today my baby offered his foot up to step up on my hand....a very small baby step...that meant a lot


At the breeders, my baby was living in a plastic box, once he came home, a big cage was waiting for him. I put some papers and a towel at the bottom for the cage so he feels more secure.

Yesterday I removed a section of the papers at the corner of the cage to see if he is able to walk on the bottom bars of the cage....but the poor thing was afraid...yet when he wanted to poop, he turned his little red tail and pooped right over that empty spot (over the bars, where there are no papers)...isnt that smart???

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Pookie checking out his food and picking a a piece of carrot. Its the first time he eats on his own...seems like hes got a new hobby.


We tried the harness on today, seems very big, but we will keep practicing using it temporarily until the avaiator harness arrives.


Hope you like those pix

DSC_4035 (Large).jpg

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DSC_4040 (Large).jpg

DSC_4050 (Large).JPG

Edited by ranaz
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