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Why we spoil our birds

Ray P

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I have a pair of bookends, One side of the bookends is a very spoiled Congo African grey named Corky and the other side is a very spoiled Blue fronted Amazon named Cricket and both are AKA as brats.

Why do we spoil them ? Is it because they are so smart that we look for their approval ?

As we try to take control of our life we know they are in charge and we bend to their wishes.

How can something so small lead us around by the nose ?. At what point did they take over ?

My wife and I have had birds for over 40 years and no matter how hard we try, nothing changes,

They still come out on top.

At one point I thought it was us but after being a member of parrot forums I think it`s an affliction.

I think we need a forum counselor so we can take control of our life and let our parrots spoil us.

Any takers ?

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Hi, My name is Dee and I am addicted to parrot approval. I self medicate with a daily dose of Timneh African Grey and I have periods of total preoccupation for entire days at a time. When he is asleep, I get on the internet to seek out other users and together we plot greater levels of approval from these feathered overlords. Please oh please, don't cure me. LOL. Love your humor Ray.

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Step 1: We admitted to ourselves that we were powerless over spoiling our parrots and that our lives had become unmanageable.

Step 2 : Repeat step one.


It's just a two step program rather than the traditional 12-steps


The Parront Serenity Prayer:

God, Grant me the serenity to accept that I spoil my parrot.

The courage to continue spoiling my parrot.

And the wisdom to know that if I stop spoiling my parrot there will be hell to pay.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I think we need a forum counselor so we can take control of our life and let our parrots spoil us.

Any takers ?


Well I gave Dr. Phil a jingle and he said "There is no help I can provide. You are all Nuts and beyond help". I just said back to him one of his favorite one liners "Ya Think???". So I guess we are out of luck on a Counselor ... :P

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Bummer! I was looking forward to a counselor! Everyone at work wants to have a game party here since I have the space.I asked... " Does this mean you are all going to sleep here?" the answer is yes. I said " Let me ask Sophie!" They all had fun the last time, but Sophie refused to leave the party and chose who she would sleep with. She liked Garry, and he liked her.( tough to dislike a bird when you are passed out!). Nancy

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