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Jakes morning chat.


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Every Saturday and Sunday morning Jake shares a chat with us. Yesterday morning I kept the curtains closed so he didn't notice the camera which is why the video is so dark. At the end of the video he is telling me something but I have no idea what. Its like the parrot version of charades :)


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That was just precious, Jake has quite the stories to tell. I was enthralled and found myself leaning closer to hear him better. The timing of coming online to find this is quite appropriate since I had the notion I was going to take a rare nap and Gilbert was so chatty there was nothing doing but to come back out and see him. Of course, when I came into the room, now he is quiet again. Jake is so similar to Gilbert in his whistling and chatting. Gilbert doesn't do the coughing or sneezing but he can make a convincing baby crying sound. It was funny to hear Jake talking about a pork chop. He is very entertaining and dear.

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That was just precious, Jake has quite the stories to tell. I was enthralled and found myself leaning closer to hear him better. The timing of coming online to find this is quite appropriate since I had the notion I was going to take a rare nap and Gilbert was so chatty there was nothing doing but to come back out and see him. Of course, when I came into the room, now he is quiet again. Jake is so similar to Gilbert in his whistling and chatting. Gilbert doesn't do the coughing or sneezing but he can make a convincing baby crying sound. It was funny to hear Jake talking about a pork chop. He is very entertaining and dear.


There are very few TAG videos on youtube. Is Jakes voice similar to Gilberts?


Jake is not a closet talker. He will chatter and we hold conversations with each other quite a bit. He just clams up in front of the camera. He will play but not usually talk.

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Jake's sound effects and whistling is similar to Gilbert but not the voice he uses. Jake has a range of voices, male, female and some more childlike. Gilbert like Jake does have several voices but they sound different than Jake's. Gilbert's male voice is usually slow and he drawls and had a Mississippi accent. Gilbert talks a lot, he just clams up for the camera. Also, Jake is ten times more active than Gilbert. Gilbert barely came off one or two perches in his cage for the first eighteen months. He has only gotten the nerve to move around for a few months and he is really just now getting to explore or play. It is still very tentative and it takes very little to put him into a tailspin where he will go in his cage and not move for the whole day. We have many more good days and the withdrawals get shorter and spaced farther apart as we progress with him. I just loved Jake's carefree way. They both do like the human body sounds, Jake with his coughing and sneezing and Gilbert with the honking nose blowing when he hears David in the shower.

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Love your TAG and love the video. I have an 11 month old TAG and I can't wait till he starts chattering so much. He does a little now but usually only if he can't see me, the minute he sees me he stops. He has several voices he uses too. Something he does when he's a little annoyed is grunt. He had a little scare the other day and afterword he wanted to snuggle for about 10 minutes and he was panting and grunting the whole time. It was almost like he was fussing about what happened it was too cute.

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Thank you all for your kind words. My co-workers think I am lying when I tell them just how much Jake and I talk and argue. They have no idea how it is possible to have a conversation with a bird let alone argue with one.

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Sadly, my Gracie imitates a cough I had last winter. She knows it annoys me so she uses it when I'm doing something she doesn't like (like leave for work). Loved the video. Your TAG has a cute little voice. Gracie sounds like a 75-year-old chain smoker!

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