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Pulling Feathers on Stand


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Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've posted anything. I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen their baby doing this. Whenever I put Bandit on his perch, he seems to become aggravated, ancy and annoyed. Then he starts to pull feathers out only on the right side and biting and pulling at his feet. I like to make sure he gets enough out of cage time because he also tends to get really loud when he hears the TV on in another room and I just want to make sure he's not stuck in there so often(my family also get annoyed with me because I can't "shut him up"). He's got a toy and food on it. I wouldn't call him a plucker because its not that bad. I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen this and what should I do. I feel bad and I don't want him upset or stressed.

Thanks! And hope everyone is well.

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Maybe move the stand to another area maybe something is making him upset. Sometimes it could be something as easy as just moving the stand or perch. Too hot too cold too loud on the tv etc etc. I hope this helps until someone can maybe come up with something better. The perch is sturdy right?

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Thank you for your response. The perch is sturdy, yes. I've checked it thinking that too. And I wish there were more places to move it. Unfortunately, there isn't much room that I have at my parents. I think it may be the fan which I didn't think of till I saw him moving his head around to it. Even when it's off. I may just put his stand in my room and move some things around.

Thanks again. :)

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Avoid the play stand for now. Have baby perch on your wrist and hang with you. When family members are annoyed about him, tell the family members to " shut up!" they ARE making him nervous.When you choose to adopt a grey... its YOU that has to adjust to their schedule. Once you adjust... developing the relationship is very gratifying. My Amazon Kiki, enjoys screaming between 3-4 pm. She LOVES opera, so this is the time I play her music. How is her behavior the other 23 hours? FANTASTIC! This is her time to shine and we all support her. Nancy

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