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OMG - Romo ate my earring!!!!!!!!!


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An hour ago, I was on the phone with my boss, and Romo was on his playstand. He flew over to my shoulder and faster than a NY minute, he grabbed my tiny diamond stud and when I reached up to stop him, only the earring back was there. I searched all around to make sure it hadn't dropped and I really think he ate it!! It was a really small earring, tiny diamond in a plain 18K white gold post - will it pass? Is he gonna be OK? Has anyone ever had anything like this happen? I don't wear earrings around him, but I just got home from work, and hubby took Romo out of his cage and onto his playstand - when he saw me, he just flew to me and I forgot I even had the earrings in. Geez, I feel like a horrible birdmama. Can anyone help me? What should I do?

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Guest briansmum

did he swallow the pointy bit that goes through your ear, or did just the diamond come off.


i'm thinking vets for an x-ray. it may get lodged and need removing

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A x-ray would help, though I dont think a grey or any parrot would swallow hard things, they usually make them as small as dust before they swallow anything but to be safe take it to the vet. Also look for your earring carefully maybe fell under the table or something?


- Jujube

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I would have to agree with jujube. If they were interested in something like that, they would first try to bite it and smash it up before swallowing it. I would be really suprised if your bird would eat it, but you never know. But Yeah, I would take your bird to the doctor. That sounds scary...

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