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Need help now! Squawking


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Before I get into it Irwin said his name today! I'm so happy!!


But, on the more serious side he has been squawking very loudly in the morning and sometimes in the evening. It's so loud we can hear it when we walk the dogs and in an apartment that is not a good thing. Nothing (ignoring, distracting, talking happy and quiet.) has worked so far. It is now finals week so the noise is three times more aggravating. I know this is his normal sound, but before this started about a month and a half ago I had only heard him do it once when his previous owner cornered him in the cage to transport him. He shows no signs of fear and even does it while he's happy dancing! We don't mind birdy noises, but this is just too loud.


Any advice on how to stop him?

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Since you haven't had him that long it is probably what he used to do and is just now doing it in his new home, his true personality is showing itself though it is something you would rather not hear but the only way to get him to stop is to ignore it, just turn your back to him and walk away for if you give him any kind of reaction, good or bad will only encourage him to do it further for his amusement. When he has been quiet for a bit then reward his good behavior but in no way reward him when he squawks. He is probably picking up on your displeasure and even if it is just a scowl on your face he notices that so ignore it but it will take time.

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My thoughts are with you. They say greys are relatively quite but we ALL know what they are capable of vocally. I live in a condo and share walls with neighbors, so I cringe when Gracie lets out her dinosaur wail. Good luck on your math final.

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Thanks :) We're moving to a house soon so it won't matter, but we just don't want to get kicked out early. A friend of mine just got a notice that he needs to get rid of his new macaw or leave because it screams. We are in the same complex...

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Maybe this will help - When doing math required to solve software engineering problems or developing algorithms and Dayo is screaming I just sing and he starts dancing :P ....


Dan I would love to hear your singing...... Alright I will settle for watching Dayo dance, please!

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So cute! :D


Irwin has actually stopped the squawking since I started covering his cage at night. Sadly he has stopped talking altogether too unless coaxed by a nut. >.< I'm hoping if I wake up earlier to uncover him he will start talking again.

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