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Cricket wants her time

Ray P

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I had to work until 10 P.M. last night and go back at 1 P.M. today so I thought I would sleep in this morning, but Cricket is yelling " RAY RAY" so I better get up and let her have her time out to play and be with me.

So much for a little extra sleep. I should never have spoiled her.

Off tomorrow so she will be happy then.

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I feel your pain Ray. If I dawdle too much on the weekend mornings, Timber runs through his whole repertoire of words and sounds I think. Fortunately, I'm on another level of the house so he doesn't actually wake me up. Once my feet hit the floor though, he hears me and starts. I swear he knows exactly when I should be downstairs at his beck and call from the time it takes work-day mornings. If I go past that, he lets loose!

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I haven't been able to sleep-in since I brought Gracie home. I'm sure as much as you wanted those extra Zzzzzs you had to smile knowing Cricket wanted her "Ray". Do your fids let you nap on the couch near them? I am always amazed how Gracie lets me nap on the couch near her and tries to be quiet. Once she sees my eyes open, however, all bets are off and the chatter beings.

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As much as you might have groaned and wished for a few extra minutes of sleep, I am sure her calls brought a smile to your face Ray. Gilbert and Java slept in my room while I was away and they were quiet while I was asleep but it was endearing to hear Gilbert say "hey" first thing in the morning when I opened my eyes. Sometimes after saying goodnight, turning off the light and settling in, I would hear him say "hey Lulu" and it would just crack me up. Sometimes I would get up and turn on the light and give him a scratch.

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