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Hello I'm new and I just lost my beautiful girl African gray (petrie) and wold possibly want another I don't have much money. But my lil Petrie was everything to me and don't think I could ever replace her. But my home is not the same with out her anymore. Can anyone help me with some breeders info. Plz

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Hello Augdog and welcome to our family.

I am so sorry you lost your beloved Petrie but you are right, you can never replace her but you can fill that hole in your heart for another. We need to know where you are located so we can be of some help but if you are in the US you can google avianbiotech or birdbreeders to find any close to you.

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I'm sorry I thought I would get a message light or something. I'm locates in Odessa TX. She was only 1 year and 6 monthes old but said hello and all kinds of stuff she would whistle alote like coping me and when she wanted to be left alone she would tell you to shhhh. She was a very special bird and so smart she could unlock her cage and get out on her own and stand on her bird stand she was amazing.

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But just found out my friend was making an avocado dip and dropped a price on the floor and Petrie had eaten it she said it was a every small piece. I told her she couldent have avocado at all.

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