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Gracie--Avian Ambassador


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Gracie and I were house sitting for my parents and taking care of their dog this past weekend. On Sunday I began to collect my things and take them to the car. When I went back in the house my mother was laughing so hard she was in tears. I asked what was so funny, and she said, "When you began loading the car, Gracie looked at me and said, 'Gracie go bye bye in car. Go to Gracie's house. I'll be back. Bye bye!" Then my mother said, "You know, when you first started talking about getting a parrot, I was skeptical. I thought, how can someone love and bond with a bird? But now I really get it. Gracie is such an absolute delight! She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She flirts and jokes and becomes the center of attention no matter what is going on. I'm so glad Gracie is part of our family." I think this is a true testament to how wonderful our greys are. Until Gracie came along, my parents could not imagine loving a bird. Let me say emphatically, Gracie is very much loved. And I want to add that she loves many people. She is not a "one person bird". When people she knows visit her, she gets so excited and does her best to engage them. No fear--no aggression. It's like she knows they are her flock--even when she only sees them once or twice a month. She knows and remembers.

Edited by JeffNOK
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What a wonderful story of Gracie's impressive verbal interaction with your Mother. She has been very well socialized. I'll bet if she learns or perhaps already knows your families given last name. She would also then associate the last names of each person to the "Flock" i.e. Jeff smith, mother smith, father smith and the last names of visiting different flocks. They do enjoy visitations from family members, friends and even their pets. They learn and use others visiting pet names as well. As you indicated, their memories are impressive and permanent. Giving this thread the title of "Gracie-- Avian Ambassador" is so fitting. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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Kudos to your family for being receptive to Gracie. The time you have spent with Gracie and the way you interact with her is a huge part of how she behaves with others. She is a lucky little girl and you are just as lucky to be with her, a match made in heaven.

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Many people believe the myth that greys are one person parrots. My grey Corky is also a very outgoing grey and loved by our friends and family

I love your story and it shows what a grey can be.

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What a wonderful story of Gracie's impressive verbal interaction with your Mother. She has been very well socialized. I'll bet if she learns or perhaps already knows your families given last name. She would also then associate the last names of each person to the "Flock" i.e. Jeff smith, mother smith, father smith and the last names of visiting different flocks. They do enjoy visitations from family members, friends and even their pets. They learn and use others visiting pet names as well. As you indicated, their memories are impressive and permanent. Giving this thread the title of "Gracie-- Avian Ambassador" is so fitting. Thanks for sharing this. :)


Our family name is Wetterman. So far Gracie hasn't said many three syllable words, so I'm not sure if she will say Wetterman soon or not. She does know many people's first names. She even calls the dog by both his first and middle name--he is Barkleah James. I guess she heard me call the dog by his first and middle name and she picked it right up. It is funny, when one of Gracie's "friends" visits, she demands a kiss. She comes to them and reaches her beak out and says, "Gracie wanna kiss. No bite!" After she gets her kiss she seems satisfactorily greeted.

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"It is funny, when one of Gracie's "friends" visits, she demands a kiss. She comes to them and reaches her beak out and says, "Gracie wanna kiss. No bite!" After she gets her kiss she seems satisfactorily greeted."


I love this greeting ritual that Gracie has come up with on her own. What a sweet girl. :)


The last names will come about in due time if she is exposed to them. Dayo did not start using them until he had observed and hear me or my wife using it along with our first names when talking on the phone or with someone visiting like an insurance agent for example. He did not pickup on this until he was around 4 years old. I suppose this is used in the wild as well. For example "Oh that's Crazy Horse from the Kenya Flock". :P

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